Friday 16 September 2022

Black Dragon Bujutsu Ryu

 Black Dragon is the theoretical title of my Jujutsu club, if I was to teach and develop it seperate from Shiro Tora Karate and Budo Kai.

As I am trained and qualified seperately as a Sensei in Jujutsu, it is something I have been looking into.

We use Shiro Tora, or White Tiger, for our Karate Kai, and our Budo Kai. We are very much a self defence, street combat, modern karate dojo, and we back up our karate with Jujutsu, Wing Chun, Kickboxing and Kobudo.

Our kobudo focuses on the shorter, closer weapons of eskrima and Okinawa, and is primarily stick based. It is designed for self defence.

The idea of the Black Dragon, or Kuro Ryuu, is that we use Kempo Jujutsu as our core, backed up with Ninjutsu, and our weapons training is focussed on blade weapons such as swords and knives.

It is a much "darker" combat system, based on the killing arts of the Samurai, Ninja, and Kali warriors of the Phillipines.
Nowhere near as as benevolent or benign as the Okinawan and Japanese self defence systems that became karate.

Time will tell if we develop Black Dragon into anything more than a concept.

n case the spelling is throwing you a bit, ryu with one u means association or club, ryuu with 2 u means dragon.

Kuro Ryuu Bujutsu Ryu will confuse a lot of people. But then, that is a big part of the "Ninja" element!

As Shiro Tora evolves so do our paths and options.

We are no longer considering Black Dragon Bujutsu or BD Ninjutsu at this time.

Ninpo Taijutsu is now a normal part of STMA training and is simply one of the fighting systems that make up out dojo

We are not keeping a seperate hidden "black arts" section and all STMA members are trusted with the entire curriculum.