Friday 16 September 2022


we will do more ninpo on grass days as it works better in an outdoor real environment than a dojo - also onshinjutsu follows on from taijutsu practice so there is a chance to discuss concepts and look at some into and goton training

rolling on grass is good practice as is receiving techniques

it is necessary to practice rolling on wood if you want it to work on concrete

keeping in mind these techniques were developed before concrete streets existed and all combat was done on grass or earth

indoors at Japanese houses you would be fighting on tatami - the some mats you train on

also we won't be wearing swords or facing an opponent wearing swords nor will we be attacked by a sword

however the concepts of mutodori, if not the literal technique, can be adapted to modern attacks

and as for the physical skill - if you can defend yourself from an opponent, a skilled opponent, attacking you with a 3 foot razor blade, you can defend yourself against anything

kihon happo - we regularly practice in class anyway, we just don't go right to the floor on each go