Friday 16 September 2022


All STMA members must become competant in the basic Kali:

sinawalli double stix
Serrada single stick close range
kadena de mano knife
empty hand

This Summer we are giving members the chance to learn and practice the basic level of the extended weapons of STMA:

largo mano

After basic kali we then teach largo mano, the long range stick, for which we have a special largo 3 foot stick

for a pair of largo stix, you just get a rattan bo and cut it in half

for basic bo, you need a full uncut staff

for basic kendo you can use the 3 foot stick

beyond this we go into the specifics of Japanese weapon arts for which you need the heavier red oak weapons:

bokken sword
Bo staff
Jo 4 foot staff

there is also the shinai, a split bamboo practice sword used in kendo, better than a rattan stick or bokken

the "lateral" weapons:

most members are now familiar with the nuncha
in FMA it is the tabok toyok and is based on kali moves

members need:
a practice foam nuncha
a wood and chain "real" nuncha
and an optional nuncha foam with chain for "Midway" exercise

there is also nuncha sparring

a pair they fit the mid range beween karate and kali in the armed phase, and have a unique series of joint locks

Members will be asked if they want to acquire extended weapons and there will be a mass kit order to accomodate this

If members are unsure what to get, then get at least a rattan bo and cut it so you can do largo mano and kendo

Make sure you have at least a foam cord nuncha

If you don't have a training knife yet get one
and consider getting a second for double knife drills