Ken sequence
Kempo set 1 - K1
Kihon ippon kumite
Kihon happo
lo punch
lo kix
box evasions
dan chi
luk sao
hubud 6
hiji 5 lock
tebuki 5 lox
lock flow
hubud lox
box sets
karate sets
Thai sets
Shield sets
sinawalli 1 - 8
serrada - 5 drills
largo drill
krabi drill
kickboxing freestyle
karate free kumite
chi sao
ground grappling - "rolling"
As you can see we haven't focussed on grappling much although we need to see competancy in rolling.
We haven't focussed on any weapons more specific than stix, but there are a lot of drills for stix, and we want to see it come out in sparring.
We also want to see karate kumite free sparring - without pads, showing a higher level of control. This style also complements the "kumite" if stix, and will bridge the styles.
Most of you are experienced and quite competant in all these modules, but we want to see that you can do them all and do them right at any given session to give you a blue belt.
At purple belt we'll probably look more at the supporting work in grappling including standing chokes, throws and takedowns, sweeps in kb and karate, and projections - a lot of matwork in other words.
For brown belt you'll need to demonstrate full competance in all 4 elements and be able to do all the drills and bring it all out in sparring. You'll need to be a competant Vale Tudo fighter as well, to show you can mix the elements in true no rules freestyle.
We'll figure out how to work in the more specific structures of kb such as boxing and thai for those who want to specialise, as well as those who want to cover the longer weapons and the close range ones.
At the moment this is still very much a "kali and kickboxing" club, with the Wing Chun/Feng Wei coming in 3rd, and grappling still very much 4th place back up that we only occasionally cover. This will, of course, change in time.