Friday 2 September 2022


The Japanese NHB fighter was the one who went to the Shioda Aikido dojo to challenger Master Shioda

The got projected and had his shoulder dislocated

Now here he accepts the challenge from the "Chi" Master

Which is all Real world proof

NHB has its place but will be destroyed by Real Traditional Masters using Aiki Jutsu and Ju Tai Jutsu, etc

Chi is fake and any Chi based system will fall apart when reality strikes

Japanese arts go back centuries, the Ryuha have a long history

Korean original arts were lost due to them losing every war they ever had right up to the US one in the 1950s

Tae Kwon Do, as its called, is a hybrid made up of the five major schools of Tang Soo Do, all of which are a weak rip off of Shotokan

Aikido, if too watered down, can be less effective

Aiki Jutsu,in its original form, taught at the Daito Ryu is brutally effective

It could be argued that all TKD fighters are badly trained, as they are trained in TKD

You could get a good fighter who was TKD based if he really understood Karate and made it work

When do you see TKD fighters, or based fighters, in things like the UFC?
When do you see them beat Karate or Muay Thai in any format ?

If you notice the Aiki man handles the kicks and knows how to trap the arm and how to do the TDs including the leg one

The subs he uses are a lot of the ones you have been doing on the TD series, the arm breaks - the TKD actually gets off lightly when you consider what the arm breaks actually are

He does not go to Judo format, with pins and the chokes and locks in that range, Newaza, he keeps it Trap Aiki range

When Master Oyama was setting up the Kyukushin school, he sourced the Karate from both Shotokan and Goju - the Self Defence section he sourced from Daito Ryu