Tuesday 6 September 2022


Though these Concepts and Principles have been refined and are taught specifically and directly in Advanced Jiu Jitsu, they apply to the other Arts and Phases of Combat


Deception and Distraction are both a major Concept and Principle in Ninjutsu, more or less every NINJA technique uses Deception and Distraction in application, and this was always the case when a Ninja fought a Samurai

A Boxer uses Deception and Distraction with his Feint, and this applies to Kickboxers, to all Striker

All use of Attack By Drawing uses them

In JJ or Wrestling a fighter uses them before a shoot to Clinch, before a Double Leg TD


Principle 15 is FORK - as in Chess, and we have been referring to this at Sessions for a long time

A lot of these will be immediately apparent to you, and will recognise them from your regular practice, in Waza, in Drills, and in Sparring:

Principle 3: Distance

Principle 5: Creation - counter for counter - draw his counter - PIA - ABD

Principle 7: Velocity - broken rhythm

Principle 10: Frame - we have been using Frames on the Ground for several years and you all know some

Principle 11: Kuzushi - off balancing the opponent before a throw

Principle 12: Reconnaissance - Know your enemy and know yourself

Principle 14: Tension - Chi Sao and NRG drills

Principle 16: Posture - Kamae - the technique comes from the Kamae - eg Kihon Happo again

Principle 17: False Surrender - armbar as example again, act ike you are giving up and letting him have it, he goes from "advanced" to "standard" and doesn't pay attention to the details, giving you a window to counter

Principle 19: Isolation - Trapping HIA

Principle 24: Overload - Disproportionate application of your resources to target a specific part of your opponent’s body eg the armbar, your entire body against the elbow joint of the opponent’s arm

Principle 25: Anchor - Pinning any part of your opponent’s body to a surface to inhibit mobility - applies to the wall as well as the floor

Principle 28: Head Control - as in Thai, Kali dumog, wrestling

Principle 29: Redirection - Aiki Jutsu

Principle 30: Mobility - movement - sabaki

Principle 31: Centerline - Wing Chun

Some are not as immediately obvious, but you do know them

Principle 6: acceptance - you have the Mount, your are preparing your attack, you get upa - accept the upa and pull Guard to stage one - you learn this in Ground Bud, the first drill

Principle 8: Clock - by constantly feeling the moves as you receive them from your training partners you understand the timing, so you can find the opening to counter - eg opponent has the Mount and spins, you escape and counter

Principle 9: River - a river flows naturally, downhill, following the path of least resistance - when the river encounters an obstacle it looks for the way round it, it does not actively seek the obstacle, it encounters it and works round it - and the saying "Be like Water" of course

Principle 13: Prevention - Self Defence - prevent the attack - this is the major starting point in Kempo, deal with the Attack, punch, kick, grab, then use the correct response

Principle 26: Rachet - micro rachet or macro rachet - cranking on the scarf hold, either bit by bit, or one go - once it's on, he can't reverse the direction