Saturday 3 September 2022

Corto range


The corto range is the place where ranges overlap and contrasts collide.

An obvious example is hubud - a Kali drill that can be performed with stick, knife, or empty hand, or empty hand against knife, against stick, or stick against knife. As locks work best at corto, these will differ depending on whether the opponent holds a stick or a knife, if you do, or if you both do.

In unarmed combat - boxers get kind of stuck in corto and wait for the referee to seperate them, while Thai boxers clinch and use the knee. Grapplers want to be in corto, in a clinch, safe from being kicked and punched, where they can work at getting a throw or takedown so they can be on the floor where they are master.

We will work at making corto a functional range for weapons and unarmed combat.

To be a White Tiger means that you fear no man at ANY range!