Friday 2 September 2022

Dog defence


Dog defence

One of the most difficult areas

"Dogs Don't Know Kung Fu" is a saying that captures the Concept of why dogs are so useful for Defence due to their natural attributes and aggression

Armour or some protective clothing and weapons are your best option. Unarmed in summer clothing against a multiple dog attack would be the worst scenario

I couldn't get the link to work - not sure if there is something like a You Tube version - so can't directly comment

However, attacks from an animal, whether domestic dog, trained attack dog, lion, or anything else, and theories on defence, would depend on the experience of the person talking, and if there are real skills or techniques they have developed, and if they can be reproduced and developed as a training program

We have seen those films where attack dogs are trained on a person wearing a suit being the "uke" as it was - someone who has done that job would appreciate what it like to be on the receiving end and have some insight as to whether a defence method could be developed and used in real time

To summarise, you would need to use your existing developed skills and techniques, as well as any weapons. Most important consider the scenario as to how this is happening and why, what is the situation, who is the owner, how could this have been managed or avoided - and the important principle is that the physical violent response if the Last Resort

And I have never encountered, met, or heard of any MA Instructor who has truly addressed this area, or who has any truly effective method on offer

As for defending against Lions, the best people to learn this from, if one were inclined, would be the Massai warriors of Africa who do hunt and fight lions, albeit in groups, with trained dogs (the Ridgeback which is bred for this) and with spears

The only art that could probably really address this is actually Ninjutsu

(Keep in mind all MA are developed from war methods of people fighting people and coming back alive to teach, so for this reason, direct Animal defence methods could never have really evolved or developed )

Using escape and evasion, climbing, even jumping over the wall to not be in the dog's area would be the best method

Awareness of your movement so you don't go into the dog's presence

- are you going into an area the dog is protecting? Why are you going there at this time?
- are you outside and the dog is with the owner and your "problem" with the owner has caused this? What could you do to avoid this direct confrontation at this time?

As for weapons, if fully armed and prepared

- are you armoured in any way? Jacket sleeves? Are your boots protection? Are your boots a weapon?

- projectile weapons from shuriken, crossbow, to bow and arrow, to modern guns, or something improvised

- if it has to go to "biting" range - blades knives, short swords - if you had to be in this scenario these would be your best chance

- metsubishi - throw your powders to the dog's face and eyes - modern example being pepper spray or mace

- explosive powders, flash bomb - bright light and loud sound - do you have your modern examples? - ever see how scared a dog gets of fireworks?