Dumog is the art of Filipino grappling. It is part of Kali and has a unique flow in that is based on pain compliance entry, pressure point destruction to flow into corto and grappling range and win from there.
Unlike Judo and wrestling it takes full account of the fact that HKE will be used at corto range.
Unlike Judo and Wrestling it takes into account you have to get past punches and kicks to be in grappling range.
Drills are don from hubud so they work in real time and from real contact at the right range.
This is the first dumog technique you will be learning.
It is not an elbow lock or a wristlock, it is a takedown done against the forearm, and works in real time.
arm drag out foream
arm drag in
bicep pull
bicep push
neck/elbow pull/turn
chin push
neck pull/turn
The Functional stage of dumog is to make it work against real strikes
for this we use a partner with box gloves on hitting the head and body while you work your dumog on his arms, head, and set up the HKEs and chokes
at first you get hit a lot until the drill teaches you to make sure the strikes don't land or don't land with any power
to hit with power one must have balance and base - dumog takes this away from him
when you add knees he must use his gloves to defend himself - so no more punching
if you lose your balance in dumog and it goes to the ground pull guard and carry on with the punch block series
Once you have perfected the glove dumog and go back to unarmed you'll know that nobody can hurt you in a clinch
5 basic dumog:
forearm drag inside
head ref
Dumog is the Filipino art of "moving a person" - the unarmed grappling phase of Kali
there are 4 directions:
push away - while keeping control
pull towards you
pull left
pull right
and are done from the "choke" points on the body, the reference points
when taking the forearm and upper arm we do not look to lock the wrist, elbow or shoulder
when taking the head, dumog works like the Thai neck ref, but we look to move, not strike
In the Jun Fan way of thinking, Tai Chi is the Chinese art of pushing the opponent away, Dumog is the Filipino art of pulling the opponent