Wednesday 7 September 2022

Feng Wei syllabus


This is a progressive drilling sequence that makes up a complete combat system.

The core is still karate, but it is old style Kempo Karate, as seen on Okinawa, the precusor to what we now know as Karate-Do. There is no kata or bunkai and nothing is overly complicated. This is unarmed combat at it's most basic and brutal.

There is a binary core of Wing Chun, both Traditional and Modified, Derek Jones' "Body Mind Spirit" syle of WC, and Jun Fan Gung Fu, which is Bruce Lee's refinement of WC.

We also borrow from Mantis, Ba Gua, Hsing I and Tai Chi, so our Chinese KF roots and deep!

This method borrows drills from all over the STWTMA spectrum, including boxing, Thai, kali, and JJ.

It is done unarmed, one on one, with no equipment or mats.

We start with sequences dealing with punches, kicks and strikes, and counters.

We progress to HIA - Hand Immobilisations - Traps.
Locks from JJ.

NRG - Energy - drills.
Mainly Wing Chun - dan chi, bon lop, luk sao, into full chi sao sparring.
We also have drills from Mantis and Kali.

Sparring is based on 2 ranges from 2 core arts, and done without protective pads:

Wing Chun and Jun Fan Chi sao.
Karate Jiyu kumite.