Wednesday 7 September 2022

HIA - traps


Traps as they occur in Wing Chun and Jun Fan, but not limited to even those arts. HIA becomes a progressive art in it's own right.

lop sao
lo jao sao
double pak sao
pak lop
crush bi, wrench, 13, head

double IJ
pak, punch - hi lo hi
pak, dte

trap to thai clinch

Going deeper into Wing Chun, Gor Sao advanced traps are taught as part of chi sao, and like karate kumite, not all of them come out in free sparring, nor are they a literal technique perfomed in a lateral sequence

I often refer to the forms of WC, the second of which is Chum Kil, which involves bridging the gap to trapping range, the third of which is Bil Jee, the thrusting fingers, considered in WC to be the most advanced form of kung fu

the third form of HIA is the kempo checks which appear in Kempo sets eg Five Swords and Thundering Hammers

In the list above the first technique is lop sao

in the Kempo freestyle B the Base technique is lop sao - we use this as the reference to link Wing Chun to Karate at the trapping range