Thursday, 15 September 2022


In examining and building the STMA syllabus, I have considered the most basic of drills that can be learnt and practiced by a prospect on their first night.

These are simple drills such as jab loop, kick 4 kick and Captain's log.

Say we have one new person at class one day. Whoever is paired up with them will have to "babysit" them and if they don't come back next week it could be considered a waste of time. Teaching somebody hubud on their first night for them not to come back would be a waste of time.

So being paired with a prospect gives you a chance to go back to basic drills and practice against somebody with new, untrained energy. This can be an advantage if you make it so.

So when somebody new comes to try out our class, they will be working on the basic drill list with established BELTED members in the corner while they see our range of kb and kali training.

If they join, they will buy the starter pack.

It is possible to lend them a pair of stix to do 2 and 4 on their first night, or lend them one of your pair to do Entry 3 with you. I won't rule out that as an option.

Similarly, if they have sparring experience, and bring their own PPE, AND I think they are ready, they could spar on their first night.

Obviously we'll be taking on new people again soon, so I am planning ahead to make sure it worst out best for everyone with minimal, if any, disruption to the Group as a whole.

We will rotate who goes "to the corner" to "babysit" the newbie, so nobody will be stuck with them all night.