Monday, 5 September 2022

Karate Kumite


Tsuki thrust punch to three levels:
jodan, chudan, gedan

Against a tsuki thrust punch:
block with
age uke - rising block
chudan uke - middel block
gedan barai - downs sweep (block)

Zenkutsu dachi - front stance

5 step sparring
3 step sparring
1 step sparring
1 step semi free sparring

This karate exercise helps bring the krabi drill into the unarmed phase.

Versions of it can be done with the stix and the tonfa.

There is an attack and a defender version with tonfa.

As with everything we do we group karate kumite into sets, usually 10 techniques

Kihon Ippon

Set 1
5 jodan head punch
5 chudan chest punch

Set 2
5 mygeri front kick
3 yoko geri kekome side thrust kick
3 mawashigeri round kick

Jiyu Ippon

Set 3
5 jodan punch
5 chudan punch

Set 4
5 mygeri
3 kekome
3 mawashigeri

Set 5
kizami zuki - jab punch
gyaku zuki - cross - reverse punch
ushiro geri - back kick

Karate Jiyu Kumite is Free Sparring

Although we use pads and allow light contact to the body in the basic version a more advanced version, where everything is pulled Sundome, allows a much free-er play with the kumite moves, such as lining an elbow to ribs or face punch, in a more spontaneous flow

this drill is much like Kali's panatukan boxing and sikaran kickboxing - whereas in hubud and numerada you use CRAs in a flow, but not atually spar for safety, at the kb range you would flow the lethal techniques of kempo and karate without actually "sparring" them with contact

this is usually done at a more advanced level, brown and black belt

in the JKA in Japan, you need to be a brown belt, having learnt the Heian katas and their applications as well as the ippon kumite, before you are allowed to free spar