Karate is made up of 3 parts - kihon, kata and kumite.
Kata I've explained in it's own post.
Kihon is a set of moved you practice on your own. Single punches, kicks, blocks and strikes.
These are first practiced on the spot, then moving - forward, backward, and turning.
Then you practice combinations.
Kumite is pre-arranged partner exercises.
Tori steps forward and punches, uke steps back and blocks. That sort of thing.
There is 5 step, 3 step and one step sparring, then one step semi free. Free kumite is free sparring.
In a way kata incorporates kihon and kumite, if done to it's obvious potential.
Take a section of kata and you are practicing kihon. Practice the bunkai with a partner and you are practicing kumite.
In fact, at Black Belt classes this is how I teach kata.
Students learn the basic kata on the way to Black Belt. I then use the kihon and kumite method to teach the advanced katas.