Wednesday 7 September 2022

Kinamutai - biting


Kina is a complete art in it's own right - one of the FMA.

There are various ways to bite in combat.
For now we only want to concern ourselves with the basic few.

In CRA, at clinch bite ear or nose.
Bite face
In Last Resort life or death bite his throat

On the ground in Mount or Guard, same kina

If caught in rear choke, "sweetcorn" the forearm

Juji - "steak out" the leg muscle

headlock - "steak out" the torso - flank or pec

Kina was invented by the Kali masters, knife masters.

If caught without a knife in their hand, how did they cause the same kind of damage to their opponent? Use the teeth.

If you have been regularly practicing tapi and hilang with your knife in hubud and regularly practiced slitting your opponent's throat on each side it is not a stretch to clinch him then sink your teeth into his neck instead.

Keep in mind where these arts came from and what their original use was.

When practicing CRA in standing and newaza on the ground look for the advantage you can take in biting at the right moment

You take the mount, stabilise and for your Terminator, rather than the lock or choke, go for the bite - bite the face to submit, bite the neck to kill

and if you get upa'd, you'll be in the Guard - the steak is just as tasty from the bottom

Back in WW2 when Captain Sykes wrote his unarmed combat manual for the tommies to go off and fight the jerries he realised some soldiers might be shocked by some of his extreme tactics

He wrote the closing line "and if you think that isn't cricket, remember Hitler doesn't play that game"