Sunday 4 September 2022



Progressive weapons training.

We start with the single stick drills of serada escrima, developing over 4 ranges:

largo (long), medio (mid range), Quarto (close) and grappling.

We then move to sinawalli double stick drills, which are done at the largo range.
These become increasingly complex as you progress.

Sparring is done in armour:

men - helmet
do - body armour
kote - gauntlets

A harder style of "dog" fighting is done at the higher level, with less protection, eventually wearing only a fencing mask.

The 2nd weapon you learn is the tonfa side handled baton.

As well as block and counter drills there is a wide range of grappling techniques, including many locks.

There is no tonfa sparring as such.

The 3rd weapon you learn is the nunchaku.

First singlely, then doublely, there are many challenging and exciting drills.

Sparring is done in the armour, usually with a single chuck of foam rubber.

After this you move onto two handed weapons.

The sword is an eclectic mix of Japanese kenjutusu, as well as the ninja art of kukkishinden ryu. We also employ drills from Filipino kampilan.

Sparring is done kendo style, in armour, with like baboo shinai or rattan bokuto.

We then move onto the
hanbo 3 foot stick
Jo 4 foot stick
Bo 6 foot stick.

After Bo there are drills with the yari spear and naginate halberd for those who want to take their training to higher levels.

There is possible sparring between swords, staves and spears, an art called To-So-Jutsu at the higher level.

This is basically a weapons based class. It takes the same spirit as systems such as kukushinden ryu, one of the nine schools of ninjutsu, which starts students with weapons training.

The first weapon is the single stick - serrada escrima - close quarter combat. Easy to learn and remember drills.

As early as this students can begin sparring in armour.
Armour is similar to kendo armour:
men helmet
do body armour
kote gloves

From single stick they progress to double sticks - the sinawalli drills.

There are also stick defences and disarms as well as stick locks.
There is double stick sparring

The second weapon is the tonfa - used single or in pairs, against sticks and other weapons.
There are a lot of tonfa locks.
There is no real practical tonfa sparring.

The 3rd weapon is the nuncha.
Initially single, later in pairs.
There is nuncha sparring.

Then we move onto longer weapons.
This is a more advanced stage of the student's training.

The short sword, as in katana and ninja to.
The hanbo, 3ft stick, which has a lot of locks.

The Jo staff and Bo staff.

Sparring is first done with shinai, as in kendo, and also with bokken.
We then use jo, bokken and bo against each other in drilling then sparring.