Wednesday 7 September 2022

Kumogakure Ryu Ninjutsu


Kumogakure Ryu (Hidden shine school)
or Hiding In The Clouds


very similar to Togakure ryu in it's taijutsu and fighting method

clever use of combination strikes and combination blocks, a very surreptitious way of moving in combat that is hard for the opponent to track and counter

it also uses tobi leaping and jumping in combat method

Uses spear, sword and armour

including a kama-yari, which is also used for climbing and swinging from trees

the tools of this ryu double as both weapons and climbing/infiltration aids

the shoge, kuntai and sugi are examples as are shuko claws

Armoured Ninjas were members of this ryu

a modern example would be kevlar body armour
(or Batman's costume ;D)

ninjas from this ryu would often wear a demon mask - which is both protection and a weapon, and the strike kikaku ken, the headbutt, comes from the use of the mask

the armoured sleeves are from this ryu

members of this ryu were survival specialists

this ryu has a deep spiritual and esoteric sides which includes mindsets, meditation, and possibly hypnosis, with a foundation in both Buddhism and Shinto

the Ninja prayer Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo comes from this ryu

3 Hidden Secret Treasures, for this school, could be seen as:

Kama Yari
Demon Mask
Iron Sleeves

Taijutsu is based on Togakure Ryu, therefore Gyokko and Koto methods - however this school specialises in double blocks and double strikes, as well as jumping while fighting.

Sojutsu - using the Kama Yari against swordsmen

Climbing tools and skills - kintonjutsu and mokutonjutsu

Outdoor survival - dotonjutsu and suitinjutsu

Starting fires, especially in wet conditions - katonjutsu

"Shiken Haramitsu Daikomyo” - Dojo prayer. All Ryu have prayers, sutra and kuji a spiritual side.

Kumogakure focuses on the non-violent side of Ninjutsu, the non combat aspects of a Ninja. Armour, evasion and avoidance.

Takamatsu Sensei was trained and ordained as a priest in both Buddhist and Shinto traditions. Though not religious, he was spiritual.


Hidden Shrine School

The Armoured Ninja