Friday 9 September 2022


Link to The Fork Chess strategy with illustration

In Chess the Fork is an offensive move that attacks 2 pieces simultaneously.

In the example here the white pawn is attacking both the black knight and bishop at the same time. If the knight moves away he will take the bishop and vice versa.

In kickboxing we use the fork with the savate fouette.

On a regular SDA you would enter, chamber and then attack the head or attack the leg.
On a fork PIA you chamber to the mid level, the median.
If the opponent guards the head, attack the leg.
If he guards the leg, attack the head.

Now try combining forks into ABCs of 2, 3 or even 4.

Speed no longer becomes a factor - you can spar at 50% or even 25% speed and still land those kicks - if you use PIA forks.

The same goes for grappling newaza.

Don't just SDA armbars, leglocks and chokes, PIA them, fork them.
Again, you can move as slow as 25% on the ground and still get the tap
- if you use PIA forks.

Now try it in the other phases of sparring:
chi sao

it won't be long before everyone you spar says
"I just can't catch that forker!"