Wednesday 7 September 2022

PEs - Pre-emptive strikes


We practice these shots off the Fence, as lineups, and against pads held both on the hand and against the body.

We also practice from the clinch.

All these shots have been used by myself in real life encounters during my time on the door. Nothing is theory.

Some of these were introduced to me by friends, colleagues and other instructors who have used them extensively, some more than others.

We will be practicing this list of techniques regularly.

Jurropoken means "16 tools" or "16 striking treasures" to use the more colourful title.

It refers to the natural tools of the body we use to strike an opponent with:



The first 7 on the list obviously double as you have two of each eg a left hand and a right hand.

You only have one head and one set of teeth.

There is no instruction for biting as such - it's something that isn't taught as a technique but as a tactic.

Obviously there are variations, in particular with the hand which has 2 main henka - open and closed, and then many variation sof each

Shikan ken
koppo ken


elbow - jab, side, round, up, rear
punch - jab, cross, hook, uppercut, choy
palm slap
palm strike
back hand
arc hand
ura shuto
"club" fist
"bat" forearm
"shiver" forearm
shin dte
kingeri - shin, foot
stamp - leg, knee, ham, foot

We'll be updating and amending this list as we make the program more comprehensive.

This list is NOT open to suggestion by students. As usual, and with this sort of thing more than anything else, I am not interested in theory or fantasy or what something THINKS they know.

This is stuff that could well save your life one day!

This is the strike that never fails!

Nobody can withstand a finger jab to the eyes, it doesn't matter what training they've had, how strong they are, or what drinks or drugs they have ingested.

It is the primary strike in JKD and one of the first and most important strikes we perfect in Feng Wei.

Anybody who has got a bit of dust or sand in their eye knows how painful it can be and how much it can distract you. Imagine what a full force fingertip will do!

The eyeball is the weak link in anyone's chain.

If you only ever learn one "pressure point", learn the eyeball.

If you only ever perfect one PE, make it the eye jab.

We practice the shin kick as one of our primary weapons to give an attacker the "coffee table moment"

As you always wear shoes on the street, you have a ready made weapon for attacking the shins.

As soon as the attacker steps into range he is presenting his closest target for your longest weapon.

Use the cap of your shoe or boot (steel cap is best), the outside like a yoko geri, or the instep in a sipat.

Regular practice of these low line nerve destructions will make them functional.

Even the most unflexible person can land a powerful shin kick.

The groin kick is a move nobody can withstand. But it is also difficult to get the range and angle in a real fight.

(Anybody who tells you otherwise has never been in a real fight and is just theorising about what they think they WOULD do.)

For strikes to the groin, we use the close range knee, or the kin kudaki 12 with the palm slap.

For low kicks we target the shin, knee and thigh.

Having said that, it is worth practicing a few groin kicks in case the opportunity arises.

If he leaves them swinging - set them ringing!

The Law states that if an attacker is aggresive and moving forward, and you fear for your safety, you can legally Pre-emptively strike the first blow in Self Defence.

If you are put in fear for your safety by his aggresively advancing into your space he is committing Common Assault.

He has breached the Law and this entitles you to launch a PE.

The Criminal law act (1967) states:
you must restrict yourself to using "only such force as is reasonable in the circumstances".

The Police and Criminal Evidence Act (1984) states:
you must use "the minimum force necessary to achieve this objective".

Landing one PE and stepping away keeps you within the law.

(Kicking him when he is down or pulling out a weapon does not!)

THAT is how we use a PE legally in a Self Defence situation.

The First Rule of Self Defence is
Learn to hit fucking hard

The Second Rule of Self Defence is
Learn to hit fucking hard

the first applies to power strikes:

KO punch
power slap
thai leg kick

the second applies to fast precise strikes to PSNA:

groin slap
groin knee
kali thigh knee
savate bas (3)
ear slap
throat strike