Wednesday 7 September 2022

Shinden Fudo Ryu - Dakentaijutsu and JuTaiJutsu


Shinden Fudo Ryu (Tradition of the immovable god school)

Dakentaijutsu and Jutaijutsu

This closely resembles Kempo Jujutsu.
The hard striking methods are drawn from Chinese Kempo, including low line kicking.
There is also hard grappling method, chin na done like Judo.

The hand and body tool conditioning is not as fierce as Koto Ryu, but still involved hitting trees to toughen the tools, and also ripping bark to develop the "seizing" methods.

There is also the use of trees to practice the taijutsu for throws and locks

This ryu teaches oversized weapons - instead of a simple Bo a ninja would use a whole branch or log, his taijutsu allowing him the movement to weild it

this ryu also made oversized weapons - an axe, a hammer, and a sword, for use with it's taijutsu

This ryu promotes the "principle of nature", was big on training in nature (a lot of Grass Days) and natural body movement

It also uses hojojutsu - the art of using a rope in combat, a lot like a rodeo lassoo

The Toda family Dojo had a sign above it saying "Shinden Fudo Ryu JuTaiJutsu" and that is what students there stared learning first, before moving on to Koto Ryu and Gyokko Ryu then Togakure Ryu.

Toda Masamitsu was the 25th Soke of this Ryuha, and the first in the family to hold the title, having inherited the school from a changing line since the founder Izumo. This school was based on the Chinese Kempo he learned.

Izumo also founded the Kukkishinden, though the 2 schools were not passed down together and were only "reunited" by Toda at the end of the 19th century.

The Rules of Shinden Fudo Ryu Dojo:

1.Know wisdom of being patient during times of inactivity.
2.Choose the course of justice as the path of your life.
3.Do not allow your heart to be controlled by the demands of greed, ease, or pain.
4.Sorrow, pain, and resentment should be regarded as natural qualities to be found in life. Therefore, work to cultivate an immovable spirit (heart).
5.Hold in your heart the importance of family loyalty, and aspire greatly for the ways of the pen and the sword with balanced determination.

The secret principle of Shindenfudo Ryu is the “Principle of Nature”.

The Shindenfudo Ryu has two styles of taijutsu - Dakentaijutsu, and Jutaijutsu.

In the Dakentaijutsu there are no formal kamae and the use of natural posture is emphasized, while in the Jutaijutsu there are 5 kamae.

The training levels in the Dakentaijutsu are:

1.Ten no kata (8 kata)
2.Chi no kata (8 kata)
3.Shizen Shikoku no kata (12 kata)

The training levels in the Jutaijutsu are:

1.Kamae (5 kamae)
2.Shoden no kata (16 kata)
3.Chuden no kata (11 kata)
4.Okuden no kata (8 kata)

List of all the Kata and techniques in the, 天之型, Ten no Kata – heaven forms level

Unjaku - Hibari kata - Cloud Sparrow

Gekkan kata, - Moon Liver

Musan kata, - Dispersing Fog

Karai kata, - Fog Thunder

Fubi kata, - Dominate

Nichigeki kata, - Solar Strike

Setsuyaku kata, - Snow Sparkle

Uryū kata, - Rain Dragon

List of all the Kata and techniques in the, 地之型, Chi no Kata - earth forms

Shinken kata - Heart Fist

Raiken kata - Thunder Fist

Henkyo kata - Empty Change

Issen kata - One Flash

Riken kata - Reason Fist

Haken kata - Tight Fist

Suiryu kata - Weeping Willow

Kanjin - Kenkon kata - Heaven And Earth

List of all the Kata and techniques in the 自然至極之型 Shizen Shigoku no Kata - natural hell forms

Kasumi Otoshi no kata - Mist Throw - Omote Gyaku

Rōtō kata - Wolf Throw - Ura/Hon Gyaku

Suzu Otoshi no kata - Bell Throw

Kobushi Nagashi - Ken Nagashi - Fist Flow

Tai nagashi kata - Body Flow

Shizen no kata - Natural

Fudo no kata - Immovable - Taki Ori

Fubatsu no kata - Invincible

Ryote Gake no kata - Two Hands Hook

Kasasagi no kata - Magpie

Ugari no kata - O Soto Gari

Fuki (Fukan) no kata - Koshi Nage