Wednesday 7 September 2022

Ten maki - Jurropoken - 16 striking tools


Ninja Kempo

Kikaku Ken - headbutt
Fudo ken - clenched fist
Kiten Ken - shuto - hand sword
Shikan ken - leopards paw - extended knuckles
Boshi ken - thumb drive

Koppo ken - thumb knuckle
Shako ken - claw
Shitan ken - finger spear - nukite
Shishin ken - finger needle
Happa ken - palm slap

Shuki ken - elbow - empi
Sokki ken - knee - hiza
Sokuyakuken - foot stamp
Sokugyakuken - koshi - ball foot

Shizen ken - "natural weapons"
- teeth, forearm shiver

Taizen - body as a weapon
- shoulder, hip, body weight

Like the Kempo that Karate is based on, Ninja Kempo - DakenTaiJutsu uses specific tools to hit specific targets

Like boxing uses the fudoken, clenched fist, to hit the jaw, mikazuki, to get the KO (First Rule), but has a lot more depth to it, so each Ken is almost an art in it's own right

Example - shuto, kiten ken, hand sword - as in Five Swords - is a complicated tool

A more comprehensive "Modern" or Goshin way to list the tools:

Included full Japanese name and Kanji, with more notes and comparisons

1. Fudoken (不動拳) “Immovable Fist”: The “Fudoken” is a standard fist; the fingers are coiled and clenched into the palm, and the thumb is folded over the index and middle finger.

2.Shikanken (指環拳) “Finger Ring Fist”: Leopards Paw - Shikanken has the first knuckle of the fingers extended, while the thumb is tucked behind the second knuckle of the index and middle finger.

3.Shitoken (指刀拳) “Finger Blade Fist” / Boshiken “Blade-Tip Fist”: Thumb Drive - using the tip of the thumb to strike; from a Shikanken, move the thumb and press upon the outside of the first knuckle of the index finger, slightly protruding beyond the knuckle.

4.Koppoken (骨法拳) “Bone Method Fist”: The fist of a Koppoken is virtually identical to a Shitoken, except the protruding thumb knuckle is used to strike.

5.Kitenken (起転拳) “Cause Rolling Fist” / Shuto “Hand Blade”: Hand Sword - Knife Hand - using the edge of the hand to strike. The fingers are bent 90 degrees and the thumb is pressed into the first knuckle of the index finger.

6.Shitanken (指端拳) “Finger End Fist”: Finger Spear - Nukite - Kite - Virtually the same as Kitenken, the tips of the fingers are used to strike. A variation of this is to fold the little finger and thumb inward to form a Sanshitanken.

7.Happaken (八葉拳) “Eight Leaf Fist”: using the palm of the hand to strike/slap.

8.Shakoken (蝦蛄拳) “Mantis Crab Fist”: Shuko - Claw - The name Shakoken is derived from the Mantis Crab, known for it’s ability to cut skin. The hand is in a claw shape, and when striking is used to grab and tear flesh, as well as attack the eyes

9.Shishinken “Finger Needle Fist”: using an individual finger to strike – typically an orifice or area of soft tissue, or the eyes

10.Kikakuken (鬼角拳) “Demon Horn Fist”: Head butt - Kikakuken is using the crown of the head to strike. The body is used to propel the strike while the neck is held in alignment to prevent injury/whiplash. "Zu Tsuki" would mean Head Thrust

11.Shukiken “Waking Arm Fist”: Elbow - Empi

12.Sokkiken (足起拳) “Foot Raised Fist”: knee - Hiza geri

13.Sokuyakuken (足躍拳) “Foot Jump Fist”: using the sole of the foot – particularly the heel – to strike.

14.Sokugyakuken (足逆拳) “Foot Reverse Fist”: A Sokugyakuken is using either the toes or the instep/bridge of the foot to strike. It is the reverse of a Sokuyakuken. The cap of the boot.

15.Taiken (体拳) “Body Fist”: Taiken is where the body is used to strike, such as the shoulders or hips. Kata Tsuki is Shoulder Thrust, Dembu Tsuki is Hip Thrust

16.Shizenken (自然拳) “Natural Fist”: Shizenken are natural variations to the kens, as well as including biting - Kuno Mutai is biting in Kali


KEN means Fist, also Tool or Weapon, all these translations make sense in context

JU ROPPO KEN is the usual term

HOKEN JUROPPO is another way to say this, reversing the Kanji

Hoken Juroppo (宝拳十六法) “16 Fist Methods”

The 16 fists as seen in the Ninpo schools, specifically GYOKKO Ryu and KOTO Ryu, and therefore TOGAKURE Ryu, are not the only fists with KEMPO and KARATE having several more, a lot of which can be seen in the earlier KUNG FU systems

Sometimes, in the advanced sequences of the Ryuha, these other Fists are used, as henka, variations, or alternates

KARATE Shuto differs from the NINPO Kitan Ken in form

HAITO - the ridge hand
NUKITE - the spear hand
SHUTO - knife hand

TEISHO - palm heel
WASHIDE - Eagle beak - as in Crane
KUMADE - Bear hand - the form of Shikan Ken, striking with the palm side - the "Club Fist"

NIHON NUKITE - Two Finger Strike - as in Snake

KOKEN - back of the wrist - Kow Sao

TETTSUI - Hammer Fist

IPPON KEN - single knuckle - Phoenix knuckle

WANKAN - the forearm - as in Forearm Shiver

SOBE - the shin - used in KARATE and prominently in MUAY THAI

Hōken Juroppō, 宝拳十六法 – sixteen striking treasures

1.Kikaku Ken, 鬼角拳, Demon's head punch

2. Shuki Ken, Good morning strike, elbow

3.Fudō Ken, immovable fist, 不動拳

4.Kiten Ken, Up fist, shutō, 起転拳

5.Shi Shin Ken, finger needle fist

6.Shitan Ken – finger end fist, 指端拳 -

7.Shako Ken, claw fist, 蝦蛄拳

8.Shitō Ken, finger knife fist, 指刀拳

9.Shikan Ken, finger ring fist, 指環拳

10.Koppō Ken, bent bone fist, 骨法拳

11.Happa Ken, eight leaves fist, 八葉拳

12.Sokugyaku Ken, leg reverse punch, 足逆拳

13.Sokki Ken, knee fist, 足起拳

14.Sokuyaku Ken, leg leap fist, 足躍拳

15.Tai Ken, body fist, 体拳

16.Shizen Ken, natural punch, 自然拳 - Using biting,