Wednesday 7 September 2022

Ten maki - Kamae - stances, attitude


The Japanese word Kamae means stance it also means attitude

the meaning of this is that your emotional attitude determines your stance and your resulting technique

fire - jumonji - boxing stance and punches

water - ichimonji - savate stance and kicks

the 8 standing postures

Shizen - natural - earth

ichimonji - water figure one
dokko - water - tiger
hicho - crane - water

jumonji - fire - cross
kosei - fire - attacking

hira - wind - recieving
hoko - bear - wind

the 3 ne za - ground postures

fudoza - immovable seat
seiza - true seat - kneeling

shikko - one knee

Applying the Godai in combat starts with the kamae, the physical manifestation of your emotional state -
this will determine how you move and what your techniques will be

Earth - confidence - natural stance - shizen tai
Water - fear - ichimonji - side to side movement
Fire - anger - jumonji - forward movement
Wind - compassion - hira - circular movement

Void - creativity

The thread on the GODAI:

Any KAMAE can and should be related to one of the Elements

With MUTODORI the KAMAE, by their nature, are Defensive, as we are Unarmed against a Sword

HIRA - move like WIND to Ichimonji where we become WATER and escape


JUMONJI - FIRE - Yes, we are Angry, and we express this, but we need the Defensive leap first

Though we don't use KURAI DORI formally in the GYOKKO Ryu, it is the basis for the KOTO Ryu, taking the Stance, taking the position, taking the Attitude

Kyū Kamae, 九構 – nine stances

Fudōza, 不動坐 – Immovable seating stance

Shizen no Kamae, 自然の構 – Natural stance

Hira Ichimonji no Kamae, 平一文字の構 – flat straight line stance

Ichimonji no Kamae, 一文字の構 – Straight line stance

Doko no Kamae, 怒虎の構 – Angry tiger stance

Hichō no Kamae, 飛鳥の構 – Bird stance

Hōko no Kamae, 抱圍の構 – Bear stance

Kōsei no Kamae, 攻勢の構 – Fog creating stance

Jūmonji no Kamae, 十文字の構 – Cross fighting posture