The "Three Hearts" form of Ninpo Taijutsu
Chi - Earth - Seigan - shitan ken
Sui - water - ichimonji jodan uke - shuto kiten ken
Ka - Fire - ichimonji jodan uke - ura shuto
Fu - wind - gedan uke - boshi ken
Ku - void - gedan uke - shako ken - keri
Unlike the Kihon Happo thread, which I posted in 2009 when STMA was new, I didn't post this SANSHIN thread until 2012, when I did the first proper Ninjutsu update, and we started doing the training in the Ryuha, usually on Grass days.
The "adapted" KH of STMA incorporates the movements of Sanshin into the five KIHON KOSHI movements.
It has been said that the SANSHIN are HIDEN secret techniques and transmissions. (HI DEN, Secret Transmissions - the fact that it resembles the English word "Hidden" is a happy coincidence)
The SANSHIN are taught early in the TENCHIJIN, being prominent is the Book Of Heaven. Many Shidoshi teach them early, along with the KIHON HAPPO. My own interpretation was the "adapted" KH of STMA.
What is interesting is the use of the ICHIMONJI Shuto in KH is the same in principle and execution as the ICHIMONJI of the SUI NO KATA in Sanshin. We then see ICHIMONJI is the basic 3 MUTODORI, and again prominently in the CHU of GYOKKO Ryu, specifically the Ken Kudaki of KOKU.
NOTE: Sanshin in KARATE is completely different from Sanshin in NINJUTSU - Do not confuse the two.
Sanshin no Kata, 三心の型 - three hearts forms
Shoshin Go Gata, 初心五型 - beginning spirit five forms
Gogyō no Kata, 五行の型 - five movement forms
Goshin no Kata, 梧心の型 - perceptive spirit forms
Chi no kata, 地の型 – Earth kata
Sui no kata, 水の型 - Water kata
Ka no kata, 火の型 - Fire kata
Fu no kata, 風の型 - Wind Kata
Ku no kata, 空の型 - Void kata