Saturday 10 September 2022


The purpose of this kind of session is to give everybody flight time on the impact kit and get used to drilling each other. Once students are familiar with the drills and how to spar, they can pair up for a workout without direct instruction.

A boxing workout might look like this.
We'll call the two trainees Dave and John.

Round one - Dave holds pads, John does a round of basic punch combos.
Round 2 - Switch pads - John holds, Dave punches.
Round 3 - John does defensive combos.
Round 4 - switch
Round 5 - both in boxing gloves doing combos.
Round 6 - switch roles
Round 7 - sparring

The workout would now continue with more rounds of sparring. So you can see how it builds to quite a workout.

We then build the same kind of workout using the shield, the Thai pads, and using the focus mitts for KB and SC.

The more advanced you get in your practice, the more scope there is and the better the workout.