Friday 2 September 2022

The Slap of a Thousand Exploding Suns


Sounds very kung fu-y doesn't it

Bit like the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique

It comes from How I Met Your Mother where Marshall goes to learn this technique so he can give Barney the last of a series of slaps he won in a Slap Bet, which all takes place on Slapsgiving

All good clean boyish fun and nobody ever really got hurt
(apart from Barney)

Anyway, I have been teaching the Powerslap method for a number of years, and it is part of STMA kempo, sitting between the KO punch and the push tactically, and was developed and refined on The Door

In the show it starts as The Slap Of A Thousand Exploding Suns, later getting upgraded to a Million suns, and has been referred to as a Thousand Million

Anyway, anybody who has been on the receiving end of a STMA Power Slap will agree that it feels like a thousand exploding suns when it lands

So enjoy these clips below and make sure you have your Slap in your pocket ready should you ever need it

There is a famous story from when I was working the door of a club in Croydon where I had to deal with a customer of African origin who needed some serious adjustment - to quote witness statements I hit him so hard I literally "slapped the black off him"

But that's another story for another day

the seven slaps

Marshall has a song about it

The Boyz 2 Men R&B version:

This clip has a slap in Slow motion captures - shows the distortion to the face from the impact

a football to the face:

and a punch to the stomach:

keep in mind the punch is being done by a skinny wimp - imagine the effect a trained karate punch can do in a real situation

Applying what we see here to Five Swords - after the block and first strike, we can equate the second strike to the football hitting, and the third strike is the stomach punch.

If anybody wants to watch the relevant episode they can do so from this link:

It is the third year when Marshall refers to Thanksgiving as Slapsgiving, so its Slapsgiving 3, subtitled Slappointment in Slapmarria - title taken from Appointment in Sammara (see separate reference)
This is where Marshalls delivers the peunultimate slap, the seventh of the eight. The episode concludes The Slapsgiving Trilogy

The three virtues of Slapistry are:


which can be said of any kempo technique

In a homage to Kill Bill, Marshall is sent on a quest to learn one of the virtues from three separate masters, much like The Bride is sent to learn from Pai Mei

The Slap Of A Thousand Exploding Suns is, of course, based on The Five Point Palm Exploding Heart Technique

Ironically the first master he learns from is Red Bird, based on Robin (see separate Off Topic post on Robin)
the second is White Flower, based on Lily
the third is Ted dressed as The Calligrapher

the lessons are:
"The Cruel Tutelage of Red Bird"
"The Punishing Scholarship of White Flower"
"The Some-Might-Call-It-Nitpicky-But-It's-Really-Just-Thorough Schooling of The Calligrapher"

Some people reckon the three masters refer to The Bride's three teachers, Pai Mei, Hattori Hanzo, and Bill himself

The Slapping Tree is real - it is a popular children's book in China, though is also a reference to The Giving Tree, the author of which was also called Pai Mei

Red Bird initially refuses to coach Marshall until she learns the target is Barney Stinson - this is based on Hattori Hanzo refusing to make The Bride's sword until he learns her target is Bill

Between Marshall slapping The Calligrapher's heart out of his body and him dying there is a delay of about ten or fifteen minutes before he dies - this is based on The Bride giving Bill the Five Point Palm Exploding Heart strike, where there is a delay before he dies. In both cases they are at peace with their death and ready for it

It is also based on the medical fact that once your heart has been slapped out of your body you have about ten or fifteen minutes
to live - but everybody already knows this

The website is real and is still live

spookily, though the series is over and the last slap was delivered, it still says "one more"....

In the funniest scene from the film Cocktail, Tom Cruise learns the truth about the saying Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

He decides the best way to dump his cougar is to hand her back the apartment keys and take the piss out of her in the street

As a reward Tom gets to receive The Slap Of A Handful Of Assorted Keys

I originally saw this at the cinema and, as the song says, everyone laughed and clapped because it was awesome the way Tom got bitch key slapped

When he does the Last Barman Poet poem later on, it was a real missed opportunity that the Just Got Slapped song had not then been written for someone to recite

A less fuzzy version of the Tom Cruise key slap, with the amusing art gallery "fight" that precedes it

These are worth seeing to appreciate the force these blows land with and what they do to the recipient:

Super slow motion slap:

Slo mo face punch, boxing glove:

A boxer getting a slo mo punch:

Throwing playing cards into a watermelon - good Shuriken practice:

Football to the face - imagine what your punch can do:

Katana cutting a row of water bottles:

This episode was on this week, and we are going to be working the Power Slap in class again over the summer 2018, to tie in with the boxing pads, karate and koppo we're doing

A couple of the links don't work, but the best ones do - and there are loads more out there worth looking for

We will make sure every Tiger at Shiro Tora has mastered The Slap Of A Thousand Exploding Suns
