Saturday 3 September 2022


There are 9 dan grades. Some Associations have a theoretical 10th dan, but they are rare.

At 3rd dan you are awarded the title Sensei. This means Teacher or Instructor. A Sensei can grade his own students and can run his own dojo in his own name.
A black belt under a Sensei, a 1st or 2nd dan, can run a branch dojo.

At 6th dan you are awarded the title Shihan. This means Master Instructor.

There are also 3 traditional ranks.
Renshi is awarded at 4th dan, Kyoshi at 6th dan and Hanshi at 8th dan.

Some associations have the title Soke meaning Grandmaster.
This title is handed down from the founder of a ryu to his successor, and down through a line.

Some associations have the title Kancho for their head meaning Master of the House.

A Hanshi in charge of an association may become Kancho or even Soke.