Wednesday 7 September 2022

Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu


Togakure Ryu (Hidden door school)


The primary school for ninja tactics, techniques and tools

biken jutsu - ninja sword - the short straight sword
kenjutsu fighting skills and iaijutsu drawing skills

Yonpo Hiden - the four secrets:
shuriken and metsubishi
shuko claws
shinondake - blowgun/snorkel
shoge - blade and rope/ring

This ryu is 800 years old

The taijutsu for Togakure ryu is taken from GyokkoRyu KoshiJutsu and Koto Ryu KoppoJutsu

taijutsu kenpo uses shuko, and always has options for throwing shuriken and metsubushi

shinobi gaeshi - the taihenjutsu that is used for escape and evasion is based on the sanshin no kata, both in technique, and in the interpretation of the elements godai and gogyo

santo tonko - use of shuriken and metsubushi in vanishing

henso jutsu - disguise and impersonation

sakki - the sensing of intention, as in the shidoshi test

The famous Ninja Hattori Hanzo was from this ryu

When the Toda family inherited the ryu they added their own systems of Kumogakure ryu, Gyokko Ryu and Koto Ryu

Togakure, the first formalised Ninja school, was actually a school of self defence, not warfare.

“Violence is to be avoided, and Ninpo is Bujutsu”.

“Use the sword to be peaceful, and protect country, family, and nature”.

‘Kajo waraku’ which means “The enjoyment of peaceful harmony with the same effortless compassion as that of the wildflowers.”

The SANPO HIDEN - the Three Secrets or Three Hidden Treasures:

A four pointed throwing star, the design of which is exclusively unique to the Togakure Ninja.

2.SHUKO (hand needles)
Also known as Tekagi. These are metal bands around the palm of the hand with four metal spikes projecting from the palm. Another metal band is around the wrist and a piece of leather joins the two metal bands together. This was a climbing tool, and was also used in defense against sword attacks.

3.SHINDAKE bamboo grass
This is a short bamboo tube 4 foot long (1.20m) used to aid in breathing when hiding under water. It was also used as a blowpipe. Sometimes a broken scabbard was put to use as an underwater breathing apparatus also.

Later a fourth "Secret Treasure" was added - the Shoge weapon.

The use of Metsubishi and the Tetsubishi caltrops are included in the first Treasure.

HAPPO BIKENJUTU was the original name of the "Art" or "System" taught at the Togakure School

The HAPPO 8 methods:

1 Taijutsu - Hichojutsu - Nawa waza : Body movement art - jumping art - rope art
2 Koppojutsu - Jutaijutsu : unarmed combat
3 Sojutsu - Naginata : spear and halberd
4 Bojutsu - Jojutsu - Hanbojutsu : staff and half staff
5 Senban nage - Shuriken jutsu - ken nage jutsu : throwing blades
6 Kajutsu - Suijutsu : Fire and Water arts
7 Chikujo - Gunryako - Hyojo : strategy and tactics
8 Onshinjutsu - Gotonpo : Invisibility - Escape and Evasion

BIKEN JUTSU Sword being the 9th Method

Katana Kenjutsu or Kenpo
Kodachi - short sword or wakizashi
Jutte - Iron truncheon
Tessen - iron fan

The 10th Method was the Kunoichi series - the "Nine Plus One"

Togakure Ninja trained and mastered the 18 disciplines:

1.Taijutsu / Unarmed combat
2.Kenpo / Ninja ken (Swordsmanship)
3.Bojutsu / Staff fighting
4.Shurikenjutsu / Blade throwing
5.Kusarigama / Scythe and chain
6.Yari / Spear
7.Naginata / Halberd
8.Bajutsu / Horsemanship
9.Suiren / Swimming
10.Kayaku-jutsu / Gunpowder
11.Bo Ryaku / Strategy making
12.Cho ho / Espionage
13.Shinobi Iri / Infiltration
14.Inton jutsu / Lying low
15.Henso jutsu / Disquises
16.Tenmon / Meteorology
17.Chimon / Geography
18.Seishin teki kyoyo / Spiritual refinement

Kyojitsu Tenkan Ho is a later established discpline taught to spies - "presenting falsehood as truth, and truth as falsehood" - it has the same deceptive tactics and strategies used in Unarmed Combat and in planning a mission or attack

Togakure formal training form methods:

Kurai Dori The postures of Togakure ryu, unarmed or with shuko - kamae

Shinobi Gaeshi - methods of moving undetected, and methods of escaping

Santo Tonko no Kata - Form of the Escaping Rat - Vanishing forms - makes use of metsubushi blinding powder, and shuriken - these are also used for escape in case of discovery and when the opponent attacks

Ninja Bikenjutsu - Methods of using the Ninja sword, which is shorter and straighter than the Katana

•Kurai Dori - Sword Kamae

•Iaijutsu - Sword drawing

•Biken Kata - Ninja Sword forms

Shoge - blade and cord weapon


Sabaki - movement - includes acrobatic Karuwaza, and Shoten wall running

Togakure Ryu techniques:


Cho gaeshi

Doko ichimonji no kamae







Hicho - Togakure ryu



Kote uchi tonsou gata

Ushiro nagare - togakure ryu

Yoko gaeshi

Yoko geri - Togakure ryu

Yoko nagare - togakure ryu

Shuto - Kata


Itto dori

Itto giri


Kaeshi dori

Ken nagare


Nuki - Drawing

Iai Maai - Sword draw distance

Kage no Itto - Shadow Sword

8 Kamae -

Totoku Hyoshi

additional Traditional Kamae


Happo Giri - 8 directions cut

Hi Ryu No Ken - Flying Dragon Sword

Kasumi No Ken - Mist Sword

Muso Ken no Kame UraName - No Thought Sword In Waves

Da To no Ken - Striking and Felling

Issen Ken - One Flash Sword

Itto Giri - One Sword Cut

Kiri Kaeshi - Cut Destruction

Rai Ko No Ken - Thunder Light Sword