Friday 2 September 2022

Top Gun Gay


Tarantino had a guess cameo in a movie where we was allowed to do his own monologue, so he uses the opportunity to give his analysis of why Top Gun is gay:

Here is a further clip with some scenes that help reinforce the theory:

Bit unfortunate for our own Iceman and Maverick when discussing having a swordfight in the woods

This third clip is titled Top Gay and uses the soundtrack song Playing With The Boys

Similar theme in Twilight demonstrated in this clip:

Bella is the Charlie role, trying to get Jacob to "come into the house and get out of those wet clothes, I'll warm you up", while Sam (Iceman) and the Gay Werewolves are all "come with us and we can run around in the woods with our shirts off"

Like Iceman and the Gay Pilots, the Gay Werewolves win this round