Saturday 3 September 2022

Tsui Na - the "Healing" art


Tsui na is the opposite of Chin Na, a part of the healing arts.

Whereas a Chin Na lock such as onikudaki can be used to dislocate an enemy's shoulder, there is a corresponding Tsui na to relocate it.

Similarly, just as we use groin kicks to disable an attacker and strikes to KO, there are katsu methods to revive somebody who recieves such a blow.

Chin na and Tsui na are opposite sides of the same coin and the study of one deepens the understanding of the other.

There is a good tsui na to help re-align the spine after heavy training, a good crack like you get at the osteopath. We'll look into practicing this basic move on each other at class.

Hopefully we'll never need the katsu for a dislocated shoulder, a KO or a groin kick!