the kumite sets and drills are a basis for kempo and also the basis for karate sparring
5 step, 3 step, one step and semi free
karate freestyle sets
SC KB - same thing
impact or these sets
make karate sparring really tight and flowing
give members a chance to get karate pads
maybe experimement with SC pads
really get to know and play the enchainments
break them down to understand savate concepts and style
impact savate style
learn the box sets
partner drills for
def and counter
learn the thai sets
partner drills
progressive sparring
box v kb
lead hand only
lead hand and leg only
v kb, v box
We are currently developing a new set based on boxing, thai, savate and karate
thai ABC:
J, C, dte, U, OH, kao, r dte
FS karate ABC:
J, maw, ura, gz
J, C, J, fouette bas, j chas
double pursue - chas med, chas bas
adv savate kick set:
chas bas, rev
lo hi fouette
sp rev
adv savate ABC based on spin kicks:
sp rev - fouette, r chas
sp rev - fouett
spn rev - fouette, chas bas
rev, fouett - j r fouette
in savate, after defending a boxing ABC, a tireur will often flow into a spin kick riposte - also, unlike karate or thai, a spin kick will proceed a round kick
adv set for focus pads:
J, C, U, C, H, C
J, J, r dte
J, C, skip dte
J, C, H, C - r dte
J, J, RU, H, C - hi dte, r kao
FH for thai pads:
skip dte, C, H, C
r dte, H, C
New we have sorted out kb set 7 and savate set 4, we have a couple of ABCs left over to start an additional list
thai ABC:
J, C, dte, U, OH, kao, r dte
FS karate ABC:
J, maw, ura, gz
as we find more of these they can either form the basis of a new set in each style, or an independant standalone additional set
Since this last post we have completed box set 7, the second KB set and have been using it in class
Set 7 can be started before box set 1, flow between set 2, and last last ABC adds onto thai set 3
STMA has always been about progression and development - after I decided on these sets we use them in class, then the practice by the members and application in sparring shows a better way to use them as training tools
At the advanced stage STMA helps a teacher become a better teacher, and I am no exception to that
We'll see where we take out KB practice in 2014
and it all comes out in freeplay because, as always
if you see it taught you see it fought