Below is the list of the 26 Arts that make up Jun Fan Gung Fu, the basis for JKD
As you can see, Wing Chun, the Core Art comes first, followed by 2 forms of Mantis
After Wing Chun, the next 18 styles listed are all Chinese Kung Fu systems
The 26 Arts of Jun Fan:
1. Wing Chun
2. Northern Praying Mantis
3. Southern Praying Mantis
4. Choy Li Fut
5. Eagle Claw
6. Tai Chi Chuan (Wu Style Family)
7. Ba Gua
8. Hsing-I
9. Bak-Hoo Pai (White Crane) and Bak Fu Pai (White Tiger)
10. Ng Ga Kuen (The system of five families)
11. Ny Ga Ying (The set of five animals)
12. Bak Mei Pai (White Eyebrow)
13. Northern Shaolin
14. Southern Shaolin
15. Bok Pai
16. Law Horn Kuen
17. Chin Na
18. Monkey Style
19. Drunken Style
20. Western fencing (foil)
21. Western Boxing
22. Western Wrestling
23. Ju Jutsu
24. Escrima
25. Filipino Sikaran
26. Muay Thai (Thai Boxing)
It is debated whether KALI is the 27th Art, as introduced and taught by Dan Inosanto, and some list their style as JKD/KALI, while some talk about JKD Concepts - ESCRIMA, stick drilling is listed as Art 24, while KALI the mother art, was not included at that time
If we do view Kali as art 27, then
28. Silat
29. Jiu Jitsu
The JKD Silat is "Maphilindo", as it contains elements from Malaysia, Phillipines and Indonesia
Though Ju Jutsu is listed as Art 23, this is the Ju Jutsu and Judo that was available in the 60s and early 70s in America - in recent times all JKD people have taken up training in the GRACIE and/or MACHADO systems of JJ following the UFC revelations, so this is indeed a new Art to the list
At the Dojo, we look at JKD training and drills, starting with Interception in the KB, and the application in the Unarmed STREET phase
It is always interesting to look at the source arts, in the case of JKD these are mainly Chinese
This is also the potential to look deeper into Chinese systems, to balance with our in depth study of the Japanese Ryuha we have been covering the last few years, keeping in mind there is a lot of Chinese influence in many Japanese systems, in particular Karate
As you can see from the list above, we already tap some of the arts listed
Wing Chun
Tai Chi
Tiger and Crane as they appear in the source for Kempo
Chin Na as in Torite, locks as in Jujutsu
Muay Thai
Wrestling - this has been discussed on the Grappling board, Western wresting, which we don't really use - in America, boys learn wrestling in school and college, it isn't taught that way in Britain, you would need to specifically seek and join a Wrestling club, as you would for a Boxing gym - Wrestling systems available are Greco Roman, Freestyle and, to a lesser extent Russian Sombo
Escrima - the Filipino stick systems, part of Kali
We have referenced Fencing, though this is not directly practiced in JKD - the concepts are used with Boxing with the Jab, stepping, and Interception - Bruce himself learnt and practiced Fencing in Hong Kong, though never taught or openly practiced it in America - he did cover a lot of Largo Mano Kali with Dan
Sikaran is the kickboxing system of the FMA that compliments Kali - parallel Krabi and Muay Thai
Jakman, not listed, is FMA kicking system
Tukan, not listed, is FMA boxing
The other styles of KF that are relevant to us I have listed
In JKD, the listed arts are used differently, quite heavily in WC, much less in the others, it is not a case of literally learning or using every technique and drill from each art
What we might use from the list, will depend as we go on