Thursday 1 September 2022

Favourite UFC fight clips


UFC 1 highlights

The first ever UFC, where it was raw, nobody knew what to expect, accept Royce

TKD - Pat Smith

Savate fighter - beat the huge Sumo fighter with a kick and a punch. Brutal fight against the kickboxer who beat the karate fighter, useful tactic to avoid the Ground as seen against the Sumo, and later with Royce when he manages to avoid the first td and cleverly use the cage walls, which is part of traditional Savate training, from the boats. For finishes with the KB, avoids the Ground or potential for it, by waiting til his opponent started to get up before moving in for a long range strike, does not try the stamping until the end. Interestingly, the KB beat the Karate with stamps an bent over punches. Against Royce does the famous multi tap out. Would have been interesting to have seen him fight Shamrock or Smith

Karate v kb - the KB is more versatile and gets the upper hand and wins, despite poor body conditioning. It has been suggested that for UFC one the promoters wanted a kickboxer, but didn't want one who was too good, and did not book a Thai boxer. The Karate man was not particularly good either, there could have maybe been a better choice. Went down and came back up mid fight, as no fighter had ground game.

Shamrock v Smith. The first two "MMA" fight ever, if you have to use that term, as these two were multi discipline. Shamrock was World level shootfighing competitor, an physically the most imposing fighter in the comp. Pat Smith was billed as TK, however, has boxing and Muay Thai, as well as some Ground, as can be seen in his use of the Guard. Shamrock wins by the leglock, though takes time to get into it, there was not a smooth transition. Pat tries his own leg lock attempt, as well as the stamp kick option. Pat entered UFC 2 the next year an had some awesome matches until beaten by Royce in the Final.


1st fight against the "boxer" - again some criticism that the boxer chosen was not high class or ranked. Interestingly, the boxer chose to wear a bag glove on his left hand to protect it from all the jabs he expected to land during the contest, and his right hand empty for the KOs. As we saw, Royce took him straight down, he never threw one punch in the whole comp. Royce did not have to use a choke or lock, the boxer tapped out when overwhelmed.

The Shamrock fight, as discussed elsewhere.

Savate in the Final

Ryron an Rener breakdown the Shamrock match


A year later, a far more polished event, now 16 fighters, so the extra stage, and a far better presentation and commentary

Royce v karateka - Mount arm bar finish

Veit - Muay Thai - showed some of his first fight kick, knees and elbows in slo mo

Pat Smith v RBWI - don't call what this idiot does as Ninjutsu - a perfect example of how not to fight - rush and attempted td - Smith awesome Ground n Pound

Karate v karate - cautious standing phase, no real karate or kb, stage 5 where neither knew what to do, some gnp an knees - two strikers and he had to finish on the ground with a choke

Veit Thai against huge Judoka Remco - just like the last one, unexpected techniques and finish - Remco does soto makikomi, can't find the scarf hold to progress, so finishes with an elbow, a thai technique

Royce v a kf-er - guard arm bar standing, to face down version

Pat Smith again - takes out the kickboxer - finishes with a standing guillotine, a grappling technique

Royce v Remco - grappling v grappling, following kb v kb - obvious Final will next be grapple v kb - this is a chance to see Royce fight a good grappler, and one much bigger and heavier - shoot, clinch, td, rear mount, gi choke

Final - Royce v Smith - quick clinch, td, start of headlock turn finish, which would normally be an armbar or choke finish, Royce finishes with punches to get the submission

UFC 3 - whole event

This includes Royce match with Kimo - Royce wins, but has to be carried out and can't continue the competition

The winner, Jennum, was an alternate who never had to fight in the qualifiers - he is a Police officer and his style was listed as Ninjutsu, specifically Togakure, which he probably got from Hayes

Hackney KENPO fights a huge Sumo wrestler - similar to the Savate v Sumo in UFC 1 - Happo Ken early knockown, Thundering Hammer finish. Great example of Sumo Tsuki as Keith is pushed through the Octagon wall and out into the crowd

Shamrock fight against Judoka who established Guard but not progress any attack from there - Ken ends with punches - so Wrestling v Judo did not end with a submission as would have been expected

Karate v Thai - the Thai boxer opens with a wrestling td for some reason, in standing uses low kicks and knees - despite Karateka also supposedly having a Jujutsu belt, no real ground game from either - in standing Karateka wins with punches

Shamrock was scheduled to fight Hackney next, but Keith was injured so an alternate came in, a kung fu based kickboxer. Ken couldn't manage the TD, tried a standing sleeper, which he couldn't close, there was some standing punch exchanges, an attempted wedgie, then it went down, Ken took the back and won with a sleeper.

At this point everyone thought it would be Ken v Royce in the Final

Royce comes to the ring for his match with Howard, the karateka, who had a specific plan to combine karate with jujutsu to fight Royce, which would be something worth seeing - however this is when the Gracie's throw in the towel and Royce leaves the competition, meaning no alternate, so Howard goes straight to the Final, matched against Shamrock, another fight everyone would want to see

However Shamrock announced he couldn't come out so Jennum is brought in - with not enough fighters or alternates left to make a second Semi, this became the Final

Take nothing away from Jennum, he dominated what was a great match with standing strikes, td, groundwork, and won by GnP

So, by definition, a Ninja won UFC3

The Royce/Kimo fight on it's own

Royce's toughest match. Takes ages to establish the TD, and it gives Kimo the back then Guard - on passing the Guard to take Mount, upa, Royce now has Guard an tries Triangle setup. Stage 4 with Kimo stacking. On standing, Kimo sets up for rear BH for a suplex so Royce defends, gets it to the Ground and finishes with the face down arm bar. Interesting use of the hair pull, as has been noted.


No clips available yet, so we will add them when they become available

In this comp Royce got to fight Hackney, and the final with Dan Severn is where he first wins with the Triangle - 10 years after Lethal Weapon

In UFC 3, the Kimo fight, we see him attempt the Traingle and arm bar from Guard, and fail to get either

UFC 4 is a more polished Guard game, which we'll hopefully see next

In the meantime, here is Rener doing a breakdown of the Beast match


Royce v Shamrock Super fight, what we all would have liked the UFC3 Final to have been - neither competed in the actual event itself, that was won by Dan Severn, who Royce beat in UFC 4

This was a very technical match, with Royce fighting from Guard as he did with Kimo and Beast, this time not able to get an advantage, or move towards a submission

There is no vid for the whole event at this time

Here is the final match where Severn wins the title

His opponent is a Judoka who doesn't wear the gi - some stand up, no actual Judo or Wrestling throws, punching, and Dan wins with a submission

So with Dan losing to Royce in UFC 4, he now wins UFC 5

In subsequent events there were Superfights where Royce opponents faced each other - Ken and Royce tied at the first Superfight in 5, so Ken is technically Superfight Champion going into these, which he defends and wins

UFC 6 - Shamrock v Severn, winner of UFC5

Classic wrestling match, mainly all standing, Ken wins with a guillotine

UFC 7 - Shamrock v Taktarov, winner of UFC6

(no clip)

At this point, Shamrock has fought and defeated the winners of both UFC 5 and 6 - he is Undefeated except for his first fight with Royce

UFC 8 - Shamrock v Kimo

Straight to floor, series of positions, and Ken ends up in Guard with Kimo standing, as Royce did - Ken wins with leglock

UFC 8 itself was the fight between Don Frye and Gary Goodridge which Frye won by submission - the Ken-Kimo match was used on the posters as "the Superfight everyone's been waiting for" - the event was billed as "David vs Goliath" as smaller lighter fighters were matched against Heavyweights, something never done in Combat Sports - this had nothing to do with the Ken-Kimo feature event of course

Though a great match, and the one we wanted to see, the opportunity here would be to follow the pattern of the last two events, and see Ken fight the winner of UFC 7, which of course was Ruas, the other other fight we all wanted to see, and the one we never did

UFC 9 was Shamrock v Severn 2 - with Ken winning again

There was no Superfight from UFC 10 onwards

Royce was not invincible the way he was portrayed and came close to being defeated in the matches above

Royce first lost to Yoshida, a Japanese Judo Master in Japan, choked out because he didn't tap

Helio lost to Kimura in 1949, which is where the armlock's name comes from, in his honour as it was the technique he used. So both generations of Gracie, Helio and Royce, were defeated by a Japanese Judoka. Though GJJ was refined from Judo, it can still be dominated by it.

Royce tried his usual Guard game, and Yoshida had an answer for it. We see some leglock exchanges and a reset. Great example of aki Nage where Yoshida, standing inside the open Guard, picks Royce up an slams him down. Yoshida takes side control, yoko shiho gatame, progresses to tate shiho gatame, and applies the choke.

Royce was dominated and defeated by Matt Hughes at UFC 60 on the Ground

Interesting standup phase with some kicks - Royce in trunks and VT gloves and not a gi - TD was inevitable and Matt was dominant as soon as they got there - Matt worked Side Control and nearly got an arm bar, though Royce would not submit - and then took the back and finished with a rear GnP

A big flaw in the Gracie Ground game is shown in both the Hughes and Yoshida matches in that rather than Side Mount, both opponents use the Judo Yoko Shiho Gatame, which has armlock submissions, and Tate Shiho Gatame - in Yoshida fight he gets the choke from there, in Hughes fight, Mat ends up with a rear version of the hold a uses the GnP rather than sleeper choke. Gracie Combatives has lots of counters for Side Mount, no submissions, and does not address Yoko Shiho, or have a proper defence against it.

NOTE: STMA Ground Combatives uses the 4 Four Quarter Judo pins in their original taught form, and Yoko submissions, as well as the Scarf hold, from the original Kodokan Judo and Jujutsu series

Most interesting of all is Sakuraba, called The Gracie Hunter, who beat not just Royce, by Royler and Renzo as well. These matches were at Pride in Japan, all in a wrestling ring not a cage. Sakaruba proved that Japanese JuJutsu is still The King, the parent of Brazilian Jujutsu

All BJJ players who believe they are studying some new unbeatable system were shown that real JuJutsu is still Japanese, and there is still a lot they don't know

Sakuraba Gracie highlights

Note Royce is wearing his gi and VT gloves as the Sport was evolving and different rule sets and models were being developed. This was around 1999/2000 and the term MMA had not yet been coined

More Sakuraba Gracie fight footage in this clip

The Royce Sakuraba rematch is interesting

Much more kickboxing, esp from Royce, a proper modern "MMA" fight, and Sakuraba is dominant when it does go to grappling - 3 rounds of 3 mins and Judges awarded the Win to Royce - see what you think

Interestingly, Sakuraba never fought Rickson - he might not have found that match so easy


This was when we started to see a lot more standing and punching, with all the initial "all fights go to the floor" theory of the first events, we now see fighters getting back up, resets, some kicks, but most of all boxing

The winner, however, was still a grappler, Oleg Taktarov, Russian Sambo fighter who beat Tank Abbott in the Final

We also saw the return of Pat Smith

Paul Varelens, the huge cross training "Trapfighter" who Tank beats in the Semi, went on to face Ruas in the Final of UFC 7


The debut of Marco Ruas "The King Of The Streets" who was this year's Champion

Superfight is Shamrock v Taktorov, another victory for Ken, beating another UFC Champion

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