Tuesday 6 September 2022

Advanced JJ Concepts and Principles


With "Advanced" Jujutsu and Judo, it is not a matter of learning more techniques - the techniques you learn, up to a certain level, are on the syllabus

eg 40 Gokyo in Judo

40 Newaza Combatives

The advanced practice is applying Concepts and Principles to the techniques and drills as you progress with them over the years

These are nothing new and have been around for a long time


Effectiveness - Be comfortable everywhere - accuracy in the execution of the techniques - understand the overall mindset and objectives for each position

Adaptiveness - make adjustments when things go wrong - adaptiveness to overcome unexpected obstacles - patience to conserve energy when nothing is available

Conviction - own the techniques you have learned - Whether it’s a street fight against an untrained attacker, or a grappling match against a skilled practitioner

Too little conviction at the right time, and the technique won’t work - too much conviction at the wrong time, and you exhaust your energy

conviction and perseverance - timing and effectiveness

Remain calm and composed in all defensive positions

Escape from inferior positions at the optimal time without excessive energy expenditure

Utilize various guard strategies to neutralize passes and sweep opponents with maximum energy efficiency

Combine submissions to create effective “systems of attack” from all offensive positions

Effectively close the distance and establish clinch control on any striking opponent

Share and receive information from all training partners, regardless of rank

Apply all techniques with optimal precision and little or no wasted energy

Strategize submission and sweep sequences that are 2-3 moves ahead of your opponent

Apply base manipulation principles to sweep/reverse your opponents with minimal effort from any position

Pass the guard with persistence and constant pressure

Regularly position yourself in worst-case scenarios for the essential purpose of exploring their counters

Sparring - spar in a manner that is as graceful as it is effective

Apply the art of “offensive defense” - make your opponent uncomfortable even in offensive positions

Force your opponent to waste energy from any position

Utilize your "mind-reading" capabilities to anticipate and neutralize your opponent’s techniques before they occur

Apply JJ principles to all aspects of your life

Accept that the real learning begins at black belt