Saturday 10 September 2022


Excellent Jujutsu - raised the standard tonight

First section was newaza groundbud, rolling and technique instruction

focussed on expanding the guard set:

juji gatame, arm bar - already have
sangaku jime, triangle choke - already
kimura, bent arm lock, ude hineri - added
guillotine - added
omoplata - demoed for future use

when grappling if you can snatch or knee throw the opponent then do so, but if you can't you need to pull guard

if you get the mount and the opponent upas (flips) you, then you are in the guard

if the opponent shoots and you don't get to Ram or sprawl you need to pull guard

if you end up on your back in a fight, you need to pull guard

so we develop a working guard game with a set of 5 techniques for any situation

when you can stabilise the Mount then you can finish with something simple like the Americana arm lock, ude gaeshi

To stabilise the Mount you need to work on:

hips and hands
constant hip pressure
torso alignment
correct hand movement
"superman" test
anchor and base
back hook in, front knee open
high swim
low swim