Friday 9 September 2022


Link to thread for Judo Gokyo with new posts on "Randori" at the bottom

We will be referring to these, as well as the karate sweeps, and applying them in the sets over the forthcoming sessions, though not actually doing the full TD - think of the Silat sweeps we already use in CRA in Trapping range - the Judo sweeps are in VG range , the Karate sweeps are in KB range

On the next mat session we will take the opportunity to do some full TD with these to set up the NEWAZA - you already have some advanced TD that we use in the Combatives and the Fight Simulations:

Single leg TD
Double leg TD
Leg hook
Tani Otoshi - against hook punch rear grab
Yoko Guruma - against headlock

Soto Makikomi - the "Remco" throw from UFC2