Thursday 1 September 2022

Chi bullshit


Here is a clip of Dillman doing his chi bullshit for a TV show who used it to show it's not real:

the most worrying thing about Dillman is that he and his family were doing really well in karate, winning tournaments and going on to run successful schools

At the start of the 90s, as he was going up the ranks, Dillman started going more into kyusho and looking at where pressure points sat in the karate kata

unfortunately his limited intelligence and declining physical ability had him following meridian patterns and chi flow diagrams and taking them literally

he started doing one finger KOs, which, needless to say were as fake as the ice breaking demos he used to do

I met Dillman in 1991 when I attended a Wally Jay seminar in London with a large group of karate teachers and JKD players. Mr Jay was a contemporary of Bruce Lee and at that time still very involved with the Inosanto Academy and promoting his own theories on what he called "Small Circle Jujutsu"

At the time I thought small circle didn't sound right and after getting to practice it at the seminar realised it wasn't new or real or any good. I took along an associate who was at that time aikido sensei with his own dojo so we could partner together rather than taking another karateka, and he wasn't at all impressed, and his aikido can actually do what Jay's system claims to and can't.

Anyway Dillman came out to do his demo and although it was very crowd pleasing, didn't fool the high ranking karate sensei.

Vince Morris was there who was, at the time about 6th dan, and doing his own investigation in kyusho in kata and looking at the older Okinawan methods and later Chinese kempo. Vince was my senior at the time and we got to hang out and discuss some of this.

Dillman later goes off into the real of fantasy as seen in his clip - making chi balls and doing "no touch" KOs. It's the stuff Darren Brown debunks and then goes on to do better without the karate and chi.

It is sad to see in this video that the "expert" at the end doing the demo in Mr Jay's son and that he has gone down the Dillman bullshit path.

It is also significant that Dillman himself did not try the demo.

I expected him to that if he had then it would have worked - but his actual responses are borderline insane - made worse by the fact he actually believes it.

here is a clip of another chi master, called a Kiai master here

this one actually looks the part, he's oriental with a beard and everthing

as per the Dillman dem and explanation he has a room full of "students" who believe in it and go along with it

Like the Dillman no touch KO, it's nothing Darren Brown can't do - and nothing to do with karate

anyway he has a proper match fight with a proper fighter, named here as an "MMA fighter" who actually hits him

this goes to show these chi idiots really believe they have this mystical energy and can do what they claim - until reality strikes

The chi idiot gets what he deserves

The fighter, to his credit, is a proper sportsman, he waits for the hajime, stops when the ref calls it, retreats to his corner, then goes back to see if his opponent is alright

So what if this had been a real fight, in a bar, or outside the chip shop?

Or even worse, what if one of this idiot's "students" had got in a fight thinking they genuinely knew how to defend themselves?

(RE Leon Jay) 

Yes I heard he was in South London or Surrey somewhere.

Leon is Wally's son the same way as Brandon is Bruce's son :)

It's unfortunate when people who had such a head start and a promising career go off into these fantasy lands - they are as bad as Krav Maga, KFM and most of the new MMA systems.

Theory becomes abstraction which becomes fantasy.

Keep it Real!

Of course a similar argument can be levelled against the sakki Ninja test - and nowadays probably has been, thanks to things like You Tube clips.

The difference with sakki is if you watch the successful passes you can see it's real. Although there probably many ways to fake it, there would be no point as it is a test for a grade and instructor licence.

Also - nobody had ever seen the sakki test except those who had been through it and it was that way for years. It wasn't like anyone was going out doing sakki demos to show how great they are or make money or promote anything.

Also - nobody is saying it is anything more than it is. The opponent's sakki, his intention to hit you, is what you move away from. Nobody says it is psychic, ESP, some super power, sensing chi or auras, or any abstract explanation.