Savate is the longest range of KB
it groups with largo mano stick and taijutsu in that it deliberately keeps distance and picks the opponent apart from long range
mainly focussed on kicks and a form of koshi jutsu - the kicks are snap and whip kicks with the hard shoe to specific targets
one of the targets is the liver, called kanzo in Japanese, which is struck with the uppercut and the fouette with point of boot
the koppo jutsu version of this punch or kick would be to break the floating ribs
in savate sport, boxe francais, punches score one point and even a punch ABC can only be one point
kicks are scored on height
1 for bas, 2 for median, 3 for figure
savate de la rue, street savate, is based on kicking the opponent's legs and groing with hard boots
"savate" means "old shoe" and referso to work boots
in a street fight you would preferably have a weapon in your hand and would only choose "empty hand" as a last resort
a walking stick becomes "la canne", a fighting form a lot like largo mano
in old days men would have a sword, rapier or some equivalent, and a lot of la canne is based on fencing
Those interested can watch the savate episodes of Fight Quest and Human Weapon
Fight Quest
these are not instructional but it's interesting to see the training done in French salles, the history, and the matches at the end
and no, we are not doing the speedo shadow boxing at any future sessions