Monday, 5 September 2022

Kempo Karate Free Formula


This series links Kempo to Wing Chun in a KB format - it is a Jun Fan drill JKD Concept that Bruce Lee developed with the US karateka in the 60s

the ref point is the shomen ref
in WC or JJ we may start there
in karate we have done a jab or backfist and uke has blocked
or we have blocked

B - base technique is lop sao

1 to 6 are footwork

a is jodan punch
b is chudan punch

so first set is B1a

k is kick


k at start is round kick
k at end is chas bas to rear leg

H in karate in palm Heel, in boxing Hook


for the first k we also use a sipat chas bas
maw, sipat
sipat maw

sipat maw leads into Ba seq

maw sipat uses footwork 5 to end us in a mirror lead

we now use a backfist and back kick
U means Uraken in karate or Uppercut in boxing

KB5a, etc

step 6 is kosa dachi cross step

sets up a U, K, KU or UK

1 - fighting stance to front stance
2 - jab step
3 - cross step
4 - cross step and step through
5 - step through
6 - step through and cross

The progressive formula for the techniques in 3 sets:


1. B1a -- 5. B3a
2. B1b -- 6. B3b
3. B2a -- 7. B4a
4. B2b -- 8. B4b


1. B1a -- 17. B1aH
2. B1b -- 18. B1bH
3. B2a -- 19. B2aH
4. B2b -- 20. B2bH
5. B3a -- 21. B3aH
6. B3b -- 22. B3bH
7. B4a -- 23. B4aH
8. B4b -- 24. B4bH
9. KB1a -- 25. B1aHK
10. KB1b -- 26. B1bHK
11. KB2a -- 27. B2aHK
12. KB2b -- 28. B2bHK
13. KB3a -- 29. B3aHK
14. KB3b -- 30. B3bHK
15. KB4a -- 31. B4aHK
16. KB4b -- 32. B4bHK


1. B5a -- 17. tsKB5aPbk
2. B5b -- 18. 1sKB5aPhK
3. B5aP -- 19. tsKB5aPbkhK
4. B5bP -- 20. tsKB5aPhKbk
5. B5aPbk -- 21. rKtsK6bk
6. B5aPhK -- 22. rKtsK6hK
7. B5aPbkK -- 23. rKtsK6bkhK
8. B5aPhKbA -- 24. rKtsK6hKbk
9. tsKrK -- 25. rKtsKB5a
10. rKtsK -- 26. rKtsKB5b
11. B1atsKrK -- 27. rKtsKB5aP
12. tsKrKB1a -- 28. rKtsKB5bP
13. tsKB5a -- 29. rKtsKB5aPbk
14. tsKB5b -- 30. rKtsKB5aPhK
15. tsKB5aP -- 31. rKtsKB5aPbkhK
16. tsKB5bP -- 32. rKtsKB5aPhKbk

This is a scientific method for coding freestyle movement similar to a maths formula