Mygeri - front kick
Mawashi geri - round kick
Kekome - side kick
Ushiro geri - back kick
These kicks are primarily done to the body, and power is developed on the shield.
There are 2 versions of the front and side kick - the snap kick keage, and the thrust kick kekome
The back kick in street combat is done to an opponent attacking from the rear. In Sport and Sparring it is done with a spin, hence spinning back kick.
Secondary kicks are the round kick to the head, and the hook kick, it's cousin. It is possible to do a front or side kick to the head but this is rarely done, the jodan side kick rarest of all.
Secondary spin kick is the spinning hook kick.
There are also tobi geri - jump kicks. Most notable the side and jump spin back kick to body and jump round and jump spin hook to head.
mygeri - maw
mygeri - r maw
r mygeri - maw
maw - r maw
r maw - maw
set 2 - attack
kekome attack
kek - maw
kek - spin kick
kek - spin hook
set 3 - defence
kek def - stop kick
jump kek def
kek def - spin gz
kek def - spin kick
ring sets
The four karate kicks are used in four different sequences, one for each side of the ring
Mae Geri, kekome, mawashigeri, Ushiro Geri
Kekome, maegeri, mawashigeri, Ushiro Geri
Ushirogeri, kekome, maegeri, mawashigeri
Mawashigeri, ushirogeri, maegeri, kekome
The order of the kicks changes as does the footwork, whether front or rear leg is used first, whether you keep to to same leg or alternate