Now this is how it should be done
Royce famously once said "however good I am, my brother Rickson is ten times better"
Here we see why
Rickson doesn't just rely on Jiu Jitsu, he has a full striking system as well
Highlight tribute
Documentary "CHOKE" from 1995 where Rickson competes in, an wins Valle Tudo in Japan
REALLY worth the watch - much harder than the UFC, behind the scenes footage of the campaign, Rickson in Brazil, backstage at the event
Fights we never got to see that we should have
Rickson v Shamrock
Rickson v Kimo
Rickson v Marco Ruas
Rickson v Sakarabu
and though unlikely, but if it could have been arrange at that time
Rickson v Mike Tyson
This clips of UFC 1 highlights is still up and the Royce fights are relevant
With both Ken and Gerard Royce tries the double leg and fails so has to move to a standing TD - with Ken he pulls Guard, with Gerard he tries the Leg Hook, and Gerard uses the cage to counter. Both fights ends with a take the back, face down choke, though Ken's one is more unorthodox
We are covering all these strategies and techniques on the Grass right now
Though the UFC 3 event has been deleted the Kimo match is still there, so we see the Guard strategy and the face down arm bar - all stuff we are currently working on
Interesting clip of Anderson Silva doing Wing Chun training and it's application in UFC
UFC KO clip
Head kicks - a round kick and a reverse spin hook
One punch KOs
Dake Age
UFC 12
This is when it started to become more of the watered down MMA Sport, moving away from the original format
Final fight is Coleman, who looks more like a bodybuilder, defeating Severn with strength based wrestling
The finish a Scarf Hold choke
Interesting how Dan has no working escape from the hold, which is one of the the subjects we will be addressing in June
le Tudo means "Anything Goes" in Portuguese, the language spoken in Brazil - it's the early No Rules contests
Although these matches started in Japan, they were taken up in Brazil later
These are done in wrestling rings, which are sprung differently from a boxing ring, same as WWE
The octagon was invented for the UFC, the 8 sided cage
Cage fights are VT in a similar cage, of course
There are both advantages and disadvantages to either environment - the trick is to learn how to make the environment work in your favour - or just stay in the middle
When Karate competitors, who were used to fighting on mats with the boundaries, got into the boxing ring for Full Contact and then Kickboxing, they had to adapt to the ropes, learn ring craft
That 4 kick set I show you is used for going round the 4 edges of the boxing ring, advancing with the 4 kick pattern - we reference this on the days we practice it