Saturday 3 September 2022

SAS Training


Don't get excited! We're not training you for Special Forces so don't turn up in camo gear
(Except for those of you with camo gloves that is.)

SAS stands for Sport - Art - Sport.

A is Martial Art
Art is the traditional side, the koryo. We emerse ourselves in the traditional way of training to absorb what is useful and discard what is useless. This applies to the Karate-do, Jujutsu, Muay Thai, etc.

S is Sparring and Sport.
This is the impact work on the pads which leads into sparring in the equipment in KB. It also means grappling and MMA, and also the stick fighting. For those who want to compete it has the added dimension of Sport competitions.

S is for Self Defence and Street Fighting - also Survival
This is the Goshin Modern element - making what we have trained in functional for the Pavement Arena.