Saturday 3 September 2022

The Jerry Springer syndrome


This is a Combat Concept.

You've seen the Jerry Springer Show where "guests" on stage are arguing, the argument escalates until they are really shouting, then BANG they go at each other and they go straight to Vertical Grappling phase, with other people trying to pull them apart.

This is how most real fights happen, certainly in pubs and clubs.

You have the verbal stage of build up before the BANG into VG - that's JS Syndrome.

In clubs I manage - I am always the Head Doorman where I work, I never work on somebody else's team with somebody else's rules and methods - I stand so I can watch the bar, the dance floor, and the seating area. I watch for changes in movement that are precursors to a fight.

Have you ever been in a club where a fight suddenly kicks off and the bouncers are already there pulling the aggressors apart, while the rest of the security team are monitoring their friends to make sure it doesn't turn into an all out brawl?

Well that's how we do it - the Head Door will watch for JS Syn and order his bouncers to "dance floor" or "bar" as appopriate. We know these guys will be in a fight before they do.

In SD it is important not to get into JS Syn yourself - avoid the whole verbal stage. Keep the attacker on the Fence and keep calm, keep a cool head. Take him out with a pre-emptive strike while he's still in the verbal stage.

All bouncers who have seen JS Syn from the third person POV will recognise it from the Defensive POV and know how to deal with it.

At STMA we pass this knowledge onto you, so you can apply it when needed.