Wednesday 7 September 2022

Self defence against punch


As well as the Ken sequence, which is based more on boxing, we have 3 sets to deal with hand range attacks, based on Feng Wei (Wing Chun/Kali), Karate and Taijutsu.

Each set deals with a different range:

FW K1 set stays at trapping range, using the WC footwork

Karate Kumite steps back to hand range and deals with block and punch, using the karate front stance zenkutsu dachi

Taijustu kihon happo steps back to the longest range, using the back stance, koktsu dachi and/or ichimonji kamae, and starts with long hand range, as well as use of kicks.

To relate these 3 sets to Kali:

FW K1 is corto - hubud range
Karate is serrada
Taijutsu is largo mano

Check out the sets here:

FW K1:

Karate Kumite:
