Sunday 4 September 2022

Sinawalli progression


2 count
2 - 4 chain

footwork - tendensia, torque, fang

4 - 6 chain


2-4-6-8 chain

4 henka

6 henka - odd, heaven, earth, umbrella, sipat, stab





mirror, complement, redondo, reverse redondo

gyaku to

All sinawallis use the diagonal X angles - 1, 2, 9 and 10.

2 count is based on witik, while 4 count is based on lobtik.
Both drills start from the double caveman chamber.

Footwork to learn is tendensia, torque and fang.

Once you have learnt 2 and 4 seperately you learn to chain them together.

6 count introduces the muto shoulder chamber.

Once 6 count has been learnt you learn to chain 4 and 6.
This involves moving from the last beat of the 4 count to the muto chamber and the last beat of the 6 count to the double caveman.
Some people refer to the 4-6 chain as "10 count".

8 count introduces the hasso chamber and is the first drill to start with a backfist.

Once you have 8 count you learn the 2-4-6-8 chain.

There is a variation of 4 count involving an arco.

There are many variations on 6 count to learn including odd, heaven, earth, umbrella, sipat, stab.

3 is more than just half a 6 count, and starts with a backfist #2.

5 is 4 count with an extra beat.

offside mens you start with the left hand. In a 5 and 7 count it means the extra beat is now also done with the other hand.

7 is the first sinawalli that starts with an earth low strike.
offside 7

9 count is the most complex of the sinawalli

HHH - heaven
HLH - standard

LHL - * - the fourth variation
LLL - earth

we now have 8 drills:



the next phase is to split the count in half.

In Heaven you would do HHH then HHH.
What you do in "64" is mix and match.
So you do HHH then HLH
or HHH then LLL
After HHH on the left there are 8 possible trips to do on the right.

Then you go to HHL and do the same, each with 8 answers.

This gives a total of 64 possible combinations.

Half beat

This involves sticking an extra strike in with the other stick in between beats of the count.

6 count goes like this:
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

so stick in a half beat strike:

1 and 2, 3, 4 and 5, 6

the half beat can go anywhere in the drill

7 count drills are really just 6 counts with an extra beat.

The basic 7 count you learn at STMA is an odd LHH with the half beat after the 6th beat.

5 count is just 4 count with the extra beat after the 3 on the low line.

This now gives us expoential ways to grow 4 count to 5s and 6 counts to 7s.

glove beat

this drill involves a normal drill, eg 6 count, but hitting the glove instead of the stick.

which isn't as easy as it sounds and take time to develop.

This functionalises your stick fighting for the street where you would it an attacker's weapon hand on the first beat.

This is what we'll be working on next in sinawalli.

Not wanting to overload everyone, you will need to work the half beat, 8 henka and 64 over time as well as putting the glove on for hand beat.

As we are doing that we will add practice in the sin concepts.
Be getting them right in 6 count we can do them with other counts such as 4 or 8 count.
When you get the hang of a new sin eg HHL, you will be able to apply the sin concepts to that drill.
This gives us unlimited potential for drilling over time.

Some of these concepts you already know and have practiced.

1. Matching - normal drilling - right hand matches right hand
2. Mirror - left hand matches right
3. redondo - one hand meets multiple beats
4. reverse redondo
5. complement - one hand high, one hand lo
6. chaining - eg 2,4,6,8
7. transposing - as your partner does the 6 count, change your response between cons - eg mirror, redondo, comp, etc

We are adding new drills that make stick sparring more functional - using triangle footwork to counter a krabi #1 with a largo hand beat or close for a drive by.

This drill is based on 6 count.

More drills we be added in due course and we will bring them al out in sparring because

if you see it taught you see it fought

When we drill hi hi hi we call it Heaven 6.
Lo lo lo is earth.

It is then possible to name the rest of the drills after the trigrams

HLH - standard - would be Fire
LHL would be water
HLL would be Lake

HHH - heaven
HLH - fire
LHL - water
LLL - earth

HHL - wind
HLL - mountain
LHH - lake
LLH - thunder

you will notice the deliberation of opposites:

fire and water is obvious
as is heaven and earth

wind, substance without sound vs thunder, sound without substance is more subtle

blog posts on

I Ching

I Ching in Kali:

8 Trigrams as Kali drills:

64 hexagrams as Kali drills:

Beyond this we have the 256 Matrix where the 4 Concepts are played through the 64 concepts.

It really is an endless pursuit!