Sunday 4 September 2022

Weapons systems and how they fit together at STMA


Our core weapons system is Kali/Esrkima. This involves training in the single and double sticks.

For double stick we move into the drills from Krabi Krabong, the weapons art of Thailand, and the concepts from nitto kenjutsu, the Japanese art of fighting with two swords.

For single stick we use largo and serrada drills from two ranges, as well as cover corto drills for hubud and lox, as well as how to use grappling range and go to ground range.

We also cover Okinawan kobudo weapons of nuncha and tonfa at serrada range and move largo range into longer weapons bokken, hanbo, jo, bo and spear.

STMA is not one style, it is a system of many styles, and we use a core art to develop skills and drills from other methods.

The knife movements of kadena de mano directly relate to the stick movements of serrada and largo.

There is of course more specific knife movement later on and also empty hand against knife once knife to knife is understood and drilled.