Wednesday 7 September 2022



S.P.A.R.K.S or S.P.A.R.C.S stands for Scientific Progressive Aggressive Response Combat Systems.

When looking for a name for our system, as well as considering what the Japanese do, we also looked at what the Americans do. They tend to use acronyms for their systems. Paul Vunak calls his Progressive Fighting Systems (PFS) and Chris Kent calls his Combat Arts International (CAI) to name just two.

Although it's just a name (don't fuss over it) we tried out a few acronyms that might suit us and came up with SPARKS.

Scientific - because everything is scientifically tested, no guess work or assumption.
Progressive - because the training we do is progressive, through the ranges, disciplines, drilling and sparring.
Aggressive - because we are dealing with an aggressive attacker, and we are using aggressive, positive responses, not passive "self defence" moves.
Response - we are responding to a threat rather than reacting to an attack.
Kombat or Combat, depending on how we want to fit the acronym. Kombat is the harded German spelling,and of course is a nod to the game Mortal Kombat. We prefer the word Combat to Fighting.
System - which we prefer to Method or Art, or even Do (Way in Japanese).

So if you want to, you can tell people you do SPARKS!