Saturday 3 September 2022

STMA Progressive Syllabus


Though I have never put down a formal "syllabus" or rigid structure to STMA there has always been a frame we work out of that allows us to plan and run class training sessions, progress members through the belts, cycle the training, and cover everything relevant from the different arts and systems we use.

At the point we are now, with members in all phases and grades up to 3rd dan, I have been working on the progressive frame in the various phases. Listed below is where we are right now, based on how we train and cover our various base arts to develop related skill in every phase and range.

Remember: NEVER refer to STMA as MMA or a Mixed Martial Art - MMA is a sport that mixes kickboxing with grappling and played under rules, nothing more.

Check out the progressive list and think about how we train in the 4 hours over the 2 days and how we would train over a month or even over a period of months (not necessarily a literal calendar year) and how your own training has progressed and cycled.

It is not a list of techniques, those are listed elsewhere and are secondary to the place in the cycle where you are progressing at that time.


Class always starts with Kali drills and ends with kb - most likely we do double stick sinawalli and end with kb free sparring

the bit in between varies week to week and we would never have time to cover everything in a 4 hour/2 day split

so we start with kali double stix
to single stick serrada
knife, based on serrada
knife drills from other systems - palisut, tendensia

then empty hand hubud, the foundation of unarmed CRA trapping - 6 versions on each side


from hubud we proceed to WC chi sao, both in drilling and seniority terms

dan chi, bon lop and vu sao drills are all learned before rolling
luk sao - roll the 4 positions
then you are ready for chi sao sparring

gor sao gives you HIA sets to work on in chi sao

we then augment the JF/WC chi sao with NRG drills from other arts
Preying mantis
the unique JF concept of kali sombrada empty hand done with WC traps

Krabi Krabong

we go back to daab double stix for krabi 8 step drill
then single stick krabi drill
then krabong - short staff/spear step drill


we then add the kobudo weapons
Japanese - jo and bokken
Okinawan - bo and tonfa

we then drill the largo mano stick from kali

there are also kumi from the sword and jo
jo jutsu


the weapons stepping the lead us to the karate stepping drills

5 step kumite
3 step kumite
one step kihon ippon
jiyu ippon


we then look at the advanced sets of kihon ippon and jiyu ippon kumite which go beyond sparring into Street


from Karate we have the Kempo SD sets, less formal, Street effective sequences against various attacks

the 10 kihon fundamental
the 10 Master Key
the total kempo sets number 150

form 3 - against grabs and grapple attack
form 4 - combination attack
form 5 - includes tds
form 6 - weapons def include knife, club and gun
form 7 and 8 - use of stix and knife

star block drill
5 step block drill

kempo freestyle formula

Ninpo Taijutsu

similar to karate and kempo, but with longer range we now do the 8 kihon happo of taijutsu

the the techniques of the tenchijin - books of heaven, earth and man

taihenjutsu - rolling, leaping

CRA - Close Range Arts

back to hubud for the close range ref for the CRAs

TC push
silat sweeps


Kempo Block and counter strikes
JJ backup


on mat day we put the mats down to do throws and tds then ground fighting, the Jiu Jitsu combatives

Judo throws
we can also cover wrestling throws, some of which we need crash mats for

aiki projections - you have done these standing, the opportunity here is to take them to their full expression

JJ tds - 10 techniques, part of the JJ combative sequence


30 combatives

SPARRING rolling grappling


we do sets on the pads, partner ABCs, then sparring

we take our training from 4 arts:
muay thai

box sets on the focus pads, including 2 kb sets
thai sets on the thai pads
savate ABCs - partner drills
freestyle karate sets - both partner drills and impact sets

kb sparring:

freestyle KB FC

freestyle karate- SC KB
lo kix

what we don't do - or don't do much of:

weapons sparring in armour
Judo/wrestling randori shiai sparring for throws
Vale Tudo sparring

projectile weapons:
shuriken and throwing knives
bows - longbow and crossbow
firearms - guns and rifles

Ninpo Gotonjutsu:
this takes a lot of grounding in Junan Taiso and taihenjutsu from the book of heaven before it can be done properly and most of it is environmental, outside, sometimes at night

Arts we don't use, or don't use yet:


We actually have three forms of wrestling we don't use
Greco Roman, Freestyle, sombo

Though I have extensive experience if these three systems, and specifically how they fit into STMA jujutsu and judo, we haven't used it in this version of STMA

One reason is we don't do many mat days so focus on the other 3 pillars
The second is we focus more on hard surface street grappling, so don't rely on mats
Third is that the wrestling throws are very athletic, suplexes and flying mares

This is not to say we won't ever use wrestling, and may overlay it on the mat grappling, the same way we overplayed savate on the kb system, and ninpo taijutsu over the Kempo jujutsu

Arts we don't use or don't yet use:


Silat is the generic name for the martial arts of Malaysia, just as Kung Fu is the name for the martial arts of China

So in parts Silat resembles arts we already have

Kali Kempo
Kempo karate
Kempo Jujutsu

So there really hasn't been a need to tap Silat yet
A second reason is that it would serve to confuse members who aren't too sure of the arts listed above

What we do use in Silat so far is the three major foot sweeps done at trapping range, that complement the karate sweeps done at kb range and the judo sweeps done at grappling range

What we will probably do is add in Silat drills at certain phases and ranges, just as we added mantis drills to chi São