Saturday 3 September 2022

Taihenjutsu - the Fifth Pillar


Fifth pillar of STMA

The four pillars of STMA are grappling, unarmed combat, kickboxing and weapons which relates to the first four elements of the godai, respectively earth, water, fire and wind

The fifth element, the void, relates to creativity

With this in mind, going into the seventh year of this dojo in its current form, we are going to look more at taihenjutsu as being the fifth area of consideration in our training

This is largely based on ninpo taijutsu in the way that it's basic movement is the foundation for all study in the other areas, striking, weapons, grappling, etc

Junan Taiso body conditioning
Kaiten rolling, ukemi break falls

The foundation for onshinjutsu

As we will be doing more work this year in ninpo taijutsu, the books of earth and man for the specific lessons from the ryuha, and the use of Hanbo as the weapon we have done the least work on, that we will be addressing more of, it is a good time to expand our area of training and practice with a deeper study of taihenjutsu