The Tai chi push comes in 3 henka all from the same section of the form:
ward off
stroke horses mane
the combat application is to push the opponent away from you:
push him down, allowing escape
down stairs
into a wall
through a window
into the road in front of a vehicle
in CRA it sits between the Wing Chun range and the Muay Thai clinch.
Some arts we only use a small percentage of and, in combat, TC is one of them, a we only use the push as a direct technique
However it is a very versatile technique if you consider the timing and the environment
We pair Chinese TC with Filipino Dumog
TC is the art of pushing an opponent
dumog is the art of pulling an opponent
both arts move the opponent to another place, and often to the ground
the 3 variations of the Push listed are the advanced henka and take into account the positions of your hands to his control points