Wednesday 7 September 2022



Left to right step switch
T step, front step

Guard switch
Guard switch step
T step

Punch, palm, side palm
Punch - single, double, triple, chain

Lin Sil Die Dar
Pak sao, tan sao, garn sao, jut sao - with punch

Bil sao and kick
pak and punch
Half retreat

Entry, pak and punch
Full retreat

Two level punching step


Inside punch - Bil sao, cheun sao, knee kick, shuto, block, sweep

Outside punch - Bil, cheun, stamp, lo palm, arm break, sweep

- variation elbow break

Man sao block to man sao strike

Pak sao, fut sao, yeun sao, man sao

Jut sao, cheun sao, double larp sao

Jut sao, yeun sao, kow sao, break, elbow


10 Hand Immobilisation Attacks, also known as Trapping.

lop sao
jao sao and lo 12
pak, pak
pak, lop
side step pak sao and IJ

pak, pak, elbow wrench, 13
pak, lop, wrench, 13, headbutt

Against a retreat to punch range: pak, gz, pak
Against a retreat to kick range: pak, dte

Pak, pak to Thai clinch with foream shiver


Dan Chi
Single hand parallel

Vu sao
lead hand drill

bon lop
parallel lead stance drill

mantis the spring drill from Preying Mantis style
double bil
bridge with bil, bon, tan, wax
dissolve with footwork and bon, tan, wax


Roll 4 positions

tan sao to strike palm chest
bon sao to man sao throat
fok sao to IJ
fok sao to palm chest
tan sao to lo punch
bon sao to jao sao slap

block with bon sao
with tan sao
fok to pak sao


Luk São

step out:
Bon to garn and punch
Fok to garn and punch
Tan to larn and lo palm
Fok to larn and lo palm
- lo punch
- hi punch
- pak and punch


Gor Sao

1. Hi bon, pak and palm

pak da 1
- position
2. a - punch
3. b - inside tan and punch

tan da
4 - inside tan da
5 - uke bon sao - garn and punch
6 - uke pak - tan and punch

pa da 2 - double pak sao

7 - cheun sao
8 - double pak
9 - pak, lop

10 - body punch - elbow trap


Mok Jong and applications - 12 sections


Bart Charm Dao - Butterfly Swords

Form and application


Dragon Pole - KWANE

Form and application
Chi Kwane - sticking pole drill


Whether this still belongs on the WC thread or more properly on the WEAPONS board in it's own thread will depend on how far we source it

At the "highest" level the DAO are used against the KWANE and vice versa

This is similar to KRABI KRABONG whether the DAAB Krabi Double Swords are used against the KRABONG short spear

Where Krabi Krabong is very direct, basic and brutal, based on the the 8 Step Drill, this practice is more detailed and specific

The DAO are a very detailed Weapon with a lot of specific applications, so they have to be learnt and applied with the actual weapon itself, not a stick as substitute


Taking Wing Chun into Jun Fan and into JKD via the Kali, we look at different Entry and different variations on the Trapping

WC Entry is about trapping and removing the barrier and uses the Centreline for the Strikes

KALI is about destroying the Limb on Entry and using the triangle stepping for strikes

KALI Entry is Gunting or Strike to the first limb, hand crush, elbow wrench, nerve or muscle attack

WC Entry is on hi or lo line, engage the remove the first limb by trapping

WC second arm is Trap by Pak Sao or Lop Sao, or possibly wedge Bil Sao
The next level practice is to add the extra beat to the trap seq
Pak Pak = pak, and, pak
pak lop = pak, lop, and

Kali second arm - Tapi or Hilang and pak sao and lop sao respectively
Strikes are on the angle, chop to neck rather than straight punch
Follow up cutting elbow to face or arm nerve eg deltoid or bicep

These are not "Advanced" and are not the "11th Level" or anything, they are added at the Intermediate Levels to fill out that level with more options from the different Arts - these could be viewed as "Level 3a", as they are an expansion of the Trapping drills, before we get to the NRG at Level 4

At Level 4, when you start Dan Chi, that pairs with Hubud